In our shopping trips around England I tend to take a lot of photos of thatched cottages...they are just gorgeous...although I understand the old ones that have not been renovated can be something else. But, from the outside they are incredibly beautiful.
You can see more of the cup and saucer at Antiques And Teacups at this clickable link:
English Cup And Saucer Somerset Cottage Thatched

There are some great magazines that focus on the English countryside and villages and many have presences on the web.
Some of these are:
are all great ones that I have subscribed to at one time or another. I look forward to their arrival and love to sit with a nice cup of tea and devour them cover to cover. They have also been very helpful planning our next trip! Great also for armchair travelers.
Sprinkling today, a day early, here in Sequim on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state. But...who cares? After church we went to our favorite place for Sunday brunch, Sunshine Cafe, and they are closing this afternoon until Oct. 21st on their fall break. Enjoy it folks....but where will we have brunch next week????? Have a great evening....Wallander on PBS tonight. Cool!
I forgot!!!! Antiques And Teacups has just announced a FALL FUN sale!
FALL FUN coupon for a 10% Discount on all minimum and may be reused. Fall is here...can the holidays be far behind???!!! Use coupon code FALLFUN when ordering for 10% off.
So enjoy!
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