
Monday, October 8, 2018

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Mid Century Fall Set, Plum Crumble

Hello and welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!
October marches on, and we have had rain for 2 days, and I have a turtleneck on for the first time this fall....

First of all, wishing all my Canadian friends a Happy Thanksgiving! 

I do love fall and share a lot of things, photos, graphics etc I find daily on my Antiques And Teacups Facebook page..
you can follow me HERE

This is a view of nearby Mt. Rainier National Park from our local paper. 
We live in a great area of gorgeous national parks!

"So I says ""My dear if you could give me a cup of tear to clear my muddle of a head, I  should better understand your affairs." " So we had tea and the affairs too..."  ~ Charles Dickens, Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy

My tea today in the sunroom features a family set from the 1950s which I have shared before, brought home by my parents from West Germany in the 1950s, bought at the Arzberg pottery, which had been in business since the 1880s.

The thin porcelain set has a great design of seeds, leaves and pods...perfect for fall. They also got a set for my aunt, which was left to my sister because it had a pink and grey modern star design while this was more me.

The mark is simple...just the name and the shape number. The reason it doesn't say Made In Germany is because it was purchased in Germany, therefore was not required to have the Made In Germany stamp. If it had been ordered from the USA, it would have. Anyway...a wonderful family set! What are you sipping your tea from this week?

I don't know about you, but fruit crisps and crumbles are the way to go around here at the end of fall. The organic fruit is running out fast, and so we tend to buy a lot before it diappears. Then we end up with some pieces that are less than perfect for eating fresh, so...
Fruit crumble!

The nice thing is that they are so versatile, and adapt to every kind of fruit....
The original recipe in the Sunset cookbook I have had for years is titled Peach, but I have adapted to almost every kind and combination of fruits and berries...

Oatie Peach Crumble (or any fruit combo)

6 cups fruit unpeeled, sliced or chunked and/or berries frozen or fresh
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 Tbs cornstarch
1/2 tsp EACH ground nutmeg and vanilla
1 Tbs lemon juice

Stir together and spoon into a 2 quart baking dish. Prepare oat topping, sprinkle over fruit and bake a 375 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Oat Topping
1/2 cup rolled oats and flour
1/4 cup brown sugar
blend in 1/4 cold butter until resembles crumbs

And it was absolutely usual.

Thanks for joining me for tea!  I will be joining...

Here is the Tuesday Cuppa Tea linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there!  I am so looking forward to visiting you!


  1. That cobbler looks so yummy, Ruth!

  2. What a lovely tea set! I have some German teawares so it's interesting to learn when the "Made in Germany" backstamp was used. Thanks for hosting.

  3. Your tea set is so pretty. I have antique Made in Germany tea ware from WW II.
    Thank you for hosting dear friend.
    Have a lovely week.

  4. Hi Ruth!Thank you for hosting!That Fall picture is breathtaking...Love your elegant teaset and the delicious recipe.The last picture with "Happy Fall" is super cute,love it too!Blessings,Maristella.

  5. I wish I could experience what Fall is like in your area, Ruth. Your family heirloom tea set is so pretty and looks so nice in your sun room surrounded by Autumn leaves. The crumble is something that I would just love, and thank you for sharing the recipe, and for hosting your lovely tea party.

  6. Ruth, we love fruit crumbles, and yours looks superb. Love your autumn tea photos featuring your family teaware.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)