
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January is Hot Tea Month...well, Every Month is Really, but...London Transport Birthday

Did you know that January is the official Hot Tea Month??? Well, it is...although EVERY month is hot tea month around here!!!   I had planned a fancy post, but our heat pump problems have continued, and it's in the 20s outside...they didn't correctly complete the work done a few weeks ago when it broke/iced, so here is my Hot Tea Month post in retrospect from 2014...

Here I am celebrating January Hot Tea Month in the way I know best...a cuppa in my Royal Doulton Rosebud china with my favorite Darjeeling tea from Twinings. Tea has just been announced as one of the top 10 food trends for 2014...what else? We knew that already, didn't we???

I love this photo from an ad for heart shaped sugar cubes, but I take mine without cream or milk....what is called clear...or black as opposed to white, which has about you?

January 10th is the birthday or anniversary of the London Transport System, which came into being in 1863. 

Last year was it's big birthday, but I love the system, so here are some photos I have of it from visits...

A favorite museum in London is the London Transport Museum by Covent Garden which chronicles the history of the system...

You can even rent the museum for private parties...for more info about the museum and a video about the museum visit The London Transport Museum

This week the Daily Mail Online did a fun article about all of the lost property on the Underground, trains and buses...over 220,000 items are left on the trains each year....

These envelopes are filled with keys, phones and other documents....but the most intriguing is....

I wouldn't you think folks would have noticed leaving these?????

Anyway, for more info and photos. go to the Daily Mail Online article by clicking HERE

And for those of you snowed in or experience the "Artic Vortex", that's my suggestion for you! 

Hope your heater is functioning! Ours is now fixed...and the temps will be in the 40s, so that's an improvement! Have a wonderful day!


  1. Yes, every month is hot tea month and so is every day hot tea day - even in the summer for me.
    I'll bet people are too embarrassed to go and claim their dentures. lol

  2. HAHAHAHA!!! I was just reading along and enjoying every word and thinking in my mind, "Perhaps I should make a cup of tea instead of pouring a glass of wine" as I was 'fixing' to do when I got to that next to the last picture!!! I laughed out loud!!! You never know when you are going to be surprised when you visit Antiques and Teacups!!! I love it!!!!

  3. I love hot tea every month! What a fun post!

  4. I agree that every month is Hot Tea Month for us teaholics! I also tend to drink my tea with no sugar or milk, but will occasionally add milk to black teas. The bin of lost dentures and retainers made me chuckle.

  5. I love your spot-on observation that EVERY month is Hot Tea Month! I quite agree, Ruth!

  6. Oh how much I would love to visit the museum - I love anything British. But, how in the world does anyone forget their dentures?

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup and I hope things warm up for you.

  7. Yes, it's definitely hot tea month every month here too. With our recent freezing temps, the tea is such a comfort. I've always enjoyed my trips on the Tube. Their lost and found is quite the marvel. I wonder if every transport company has a similar one.

  8. What a perfect moment reading this post having a cup of tea atm.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)