
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Tuesday Cuppa Tea June Jewels And Joys

Hello my dear friends and welcome to another Tuesday Cuppa Tea for June!

I forgot to begin the month with some pages from my favorite Country Diary Of An Edwardian Lady by Elizabeth Holden...a monthly pilgrimage for read through the wonderful entries from the past of rural England....

Especially close to me heart, because she lived very close to where both my husband's and my families were...and are...from...Warwickshire...just at the top and barely north of the Cotswolds...

Her drawings are fabulous, and her records of  sayings, poetry,  folklore and botanical and wildlife observations are wonderful....

June Mottoes

Mist in May, heat in June
 Bring all things into tune

A dripping June keeps all in tune

June damp and warm
Does the farmer no harm

Barnaby bright (June 11)
All day and no night

St Barnabas (June 11) mow your first grass

A cloudless sky; a world of heather,
purple foxglove, yellow of broom;
We two among it, wading together;
Shaking out honey, treading perfume.
Crowds of bees are giddy with clover,
Crowds of grasshoppers skip at our feet,
Crowds of larks at their matins hang over,
Thanks the Lord for a life so sweet.
by Jean Ingelow

Pink roses of her illustration, reminded my of the June teacup in the Royal Albert Flower of the Month series...

This is a demitasse size....but the Flower Of The Month series was actually made in 3 sizes...the regular teacup size, this size...the demitasse size and then a very small miniature size. All the designs are wonderful.  Pink roses seem to be traditional for June birthdays though, because I have 2 June mugs and they are pink roses too...

This is a Crown Trent English bone china mug from the early 1990s....

And this is a Regency English bone china mug from the late 1980s made to be sold exclusively in a Flower Of The Month series at Butchart Gardens in Victoria, CB Canada...see...all pink roses! For more info on them at Antiques And on the photos...

The pink of the roses reminds me it is strawberry season here and in the UK...LOVE fresh strawberries! And I found this great recipe for a tea infused variation of the classic Swiss Roll teatime treat from Olive Magazine I thought you might be interested...I posted it on my Facebook page for Antiques And Teacups yesterday...

strawberry and earl grey roulade
1 hour 10 minutes + cooling and resting

makes 8-10 slices

A clever update for the classic Swiss roll. This easy Earl Grey flavoured roulade, filled with strawberries and cream 
lemon juice 3 tbsp
loose leaf Earl Grey tea 2 tbsp
eggs 4, separated
caster sugar 75g, plus extra for sprinkling
plain flour 75g
sunflower oil 2 tbsp
orange extract a few drops
lemon juice 2 tbsp
icing sugar 3 tbsp
whipping cream 300ml
strawberries 15, medium-large
step 1
Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4 and line the base of a 25 × 35cm swiss roll tin or shallow baking tray with baking parchment. Mix the lemon juice with 1 tbsp of the tea and warm until piping hot (in a mug in a microwave is easiest – just watch it doesn’t boil over). Leave for a few minutes, stirring every so often to draw out as much flavour as possible. Crush the remaining tea with a pestle and mortar, or whizz with the flour in a food processor to break it up a bit.
step 2
Beat the egg yolks with 25g of the sugar until pale and frothy, then mix in the flour, oil, remaining crushed tea leaves and the tea-infused lemon juice – strained through a sieve. Stir in the orange extract.
step 3
Clean the beaters and beat the egg whites in another bowl to soft peaks. Add the remaining sugar and continue beating until thick and glossy. Gently fold the meringue mixture into the other mixture in thirds until most streaks have disappeared. Spread into the tin as smoothly as you can and bake for about 13 minutes.
step 4
Lay a large sheet of baking parchment on your work surface and flip the cake onto it. Peel off the lining paper, then flip the cake a second time onto a new sheet of baking parchment dusted liberally with caster sugar so the cake is now sitting back up the way it was baked. Roll up the cake from one of the longest edges with the paper, and leave to cool.
step 5
Once completely cool, carefully unroll the cake. Make the filling by beating the cream with the lemon juice and icing sugar until just holding its shape. Trim the tops of the strawberries, plus enough of the pointy bottom ends so the strawberries can sandwich together in a relatively even line along the length of your cake. Spread the cake all over with a thin layer of cream, then line up the strawberries along the inside edge of your cake. Roll back up completely from the strawberry-lined edge so you have a Swiss roll with the strawberries sitting in the centre. Chill for 2 hours to settle and stick together before neatly slicing to serve.
nutritional info

per serving 245 kcal, protein 4g, carbs 20g, fat 16.6g, sat fat 8.5g, fibre 0.6g, salt 0.1g

And lastly....all I need to know is on my tea Ty-Phoo tea packet no less! This is my husband's favorite tea...he loves that it is from Birmingham, England...close to his heart as the closest large city to where he was born, and where he worked in the Diamond and jewelry quarter for many years before emigrating to the's a nice, strong black tea, which has various quotes on the inner foil lining of it's 80 tea sachet packets:

If you are cold, tea will warm you.
If you are too heated, tea will cool you.
If you are depressed, it will cheer you.
If you are excited, it will calm you.
Gladstone, 1865

Make tea, not war.
Monty Python Flying Circus

There is no trouble so great or grave
that cannot be much diminished
by a nice cup of tea.
Bernard Paul Heroux

There are few hours in life more
agreeable than the hour dedicated to tea.
Henry James fr Portrait of a Lady

Thanks so much for joining me today for Tuesday Cuppa Tea!  
Below is the list of some of the blog parties I will be part of and there is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and can find you to visit!


  1. I just love the Royal Albert flower of the month series teacups. I need to get a June one because it's my birthday month. I didn't know that Crown Trent has a June mug as well. I really like their mugs and purchased a set many years ago in Ireland.
    I definitely need to try this Typhoo tea. I see it all the time in British stores.
    Just read your post about your outing to Victoria. So sorry about the show. I do love the trip to Victoria on the Clipper. Loved seeing your photo of the Empress Hotel. Hoping to return there soon. Have a great week, Nora

  2. Your Roulade recipe is really nice. I think that would be lovely to try. I also love the photos from Edith Holden's book. I have a copy I enjoy as well. The June cup and saucer are especially pretty.

  3. Hi Ruth: You have more cups than anyone I know. I don't think you have ever even repeat a cup. You are one amazing lady. Hugs, Martha

  4. Hi Ruth,
    Well, we've done it again - shared the same teacup. Sorry Ruth, as they say "Great Minds Think Alike". I do love the R.A. June teacup. Happy Tea Day! Karen

  5. Hi Ruth,
    Your book is so lovely and I've seen that on Bernideen's blog, too. Your RA June teacup is such a pretty one. I loved reading your tea quotes, also, and seeing the Typhoo tea that's your hubby's favorite. I'd love to try it sometime. Your roulade recipe sounds so yummy and perfect for a summertime treat with a cuppa tea.

  6. Love the Flower of the Month series and the Rose is no exception, to be sure! The Swiss rolls look so good and would be lovely with tea. Have a beautiful day, my friend, and thank you for hosting.


  7. I love roses and I didn't know it was a June flower. Thanks for yet another great party.
    Have a blessed week sweet lady.

  8. What a lovely teacup! Your Earl Grey and strawberry Swiss roll looks yummy! I still haven't tried Ty-Phoo tea yet--I'm waiting until I finish up some of my other black teas first!

  9. That dessert looks exactly like something I need to try soon! How fun! Love the cup too, so pretty!

    1. Hi Trish...your link seems to be dead, so I have deleted it....can you please link again? Looks delish!

  10. Your June Royal Albert cup and saucer is so beautiful! I really enjoyed reading all your sayings and poems. The roses photo is so lovely! You are a great hostess and thanks for sharing!


  11. A pretty teacup for June, especially since National Tea Day is right around the corner. I've seen the Typhoo tea at the British Store and wish they'd sample some of the teas they carry.
    Happy Tea Day Ruth.

  12. Ruth your cups with the roses on them are beautiful!

  13. Enjoyed the tea sayings from the Typhoo tea bags, and the recipe for the Strawberry and Earl Grey Roulade sounds delicious for a tea time treat. As always, beautiful teacups too!

  14. Good morning, dearest Ruth! My, what a lovely June tea cup...tea must taste extra lovely from it :) My visits to your blog are always a delight and pleasure, sweet friend. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Enjoy your week. Hugs!

  15. I have this book and love to look at it. I should get it out and read more of it! Enjoy your day sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  16. You have inspired me to get my copy of the "Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady" off my own book shelf and read it again!

    Thank you!

  17. I love the June Royal Albert tea cup. It is delicate and very sweet. How special to have come across that pretty diary. It is beautiful. I have to try that strawberry roulade recipe.

    Thank you for hosting and have a great week.


  18. Hi Ruth! I always enjoy when you share pages from the Diary! The illustrations really are beautiful. Happy June to you! Oh, that recipe looks really interesting--thanks for sharing!

  19. Dear Ruth ...Such memorabilia... I have that lovely book but not those lovely tea cups.. OMG you've filled me with such inspiration with your Earl Grey Roulade Recipe and grand information....... and since you're hubby has heralded this Typhoo tea ...It might work on mine too ( Ha Ha)..Please tell me any secrets ...Hugs

  20. I am going to be sharing my June RA teacup this month sometime too, as it is my birthday month. So glad to be born in a month whose flower is the rose. And you always remind me to open up my Country Diary; it's such a lovely book.
    Those little sandwiches look delicious.

  21. A lovely post as usual.I am always inspired or enlightened and entertained. Angels to you!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)