
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Downton Abbey, Adderleys Edwardian Teacup Trio

Hello and welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea and the other tea related links seen below.

Did you watch Downton Abbey? We watched episode 2 of season 2 tonight and it was a quick hour!

From episode 1 of season 2 is a tea quote. When attending the hospital fund raising concert at Downton Abbey, Maggie Smith as the incorrigible Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham says: "what about tea and toast with the duchess at tuppence a slice?" with her rolling eyes. Priceless! LOVE her! 

I always check out the china in period movies and have seen lots of imari, but this is a teacup trio by Adderley from the Edwardian era, which began with the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, named for her son Edward VII and ending with the ascension to the throne of George V in 1935.

I love the floral chintz and dainty molding. The pattern is called Spray No. 96...not too original!  The teacup trio is so elegant! I can just see it being used for tea with Lady Grantham and her daughters. For more info on the teacup trio at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

This has been an unusual few days, as my husband has developed a cold. Not much to most folks, but as he has Parkinson's disease, any ailment is difficult. The body seems to be so taken up with fighting the Parkinson's that it doesn't seem to manage anything else as well as he used to. But he is doing well...just haven't had much spare time this week for reading and responding to the blogs I wanted to comment on on my blog reading list. If I haven't visited or commented yet, please forgive me!

We have actually have had snow showers today...on and off. This is a local lavender farm about 10 blocks from our home:

But it soon melts off. This is the Olympic  mountains from the end of our street when I went for a walk during a thaw period yesterday when the snow was just beginning.

Snow is supposed to continue for the next few days. 

So today I made scones for tea...some left for tomorrow. They are apricot, sour cream and candied ginger and I cut them into circles rather than wedges. We had them with butter and marionberry honey had apricot jam. Ahhh...tea time is such a joy!

Tomorrow sounds like a perfect day to visit the tea related blogs and join the various teacup tea parties...while drinking a cuppa of your own!

Teacup Tuesday
Tea Party Tuesday
Lady Katherine~ 
Teatime Tuesday
Teatime Tuesday
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Teacup Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea Wednesday
Tea With Friends
Tuesday Afternoon Tea
Teacup Thursday
Coloradolady  ~

Vintage Thingie Thursday


  1. I love Downton Abby and Maggie Smith's character! Wish I could visit the Port Angeles area again and see the Olympics with all that snow! Thanks for the glimpse!

  2. I enjoyed your post so much. Sorry to hear your husband has been sick with a cold. My dad had Parkinson's, I am well aware of the struggles. God bless you both this week.

  3. Yes, the hour at Downtown Abby went by, way too quickly!

  4. I have not been able to note any of the china in Downton Abbey yet. The costumes seem to take center stage. Although the kitchenware in the below stairs scenes is easy to view.

    I've always admired patterns like that on your "Spray" set. They remind me of sprigged muslin.

    There is no obligation to blogging. Do not apologize. Simply take care of your hubby. He is the most important thing. We will be praying for you two.

  5. How sweet is this Adderleys trio!
    I know you have snow around but it seems to me that this beautiful pattern on the trio is already announcing Spring. In about two months it will be here already :)
    Wish your husband has already fully recovered from the cold.

  6. Those scones look so good!! I haven't watched Downton Abbey because I missed the first season and want to watch that first. Your tea cup trio is very lovely. I hope your husband feels better soon!
    Hugs, Cindy

  7. Maggie Smith is my favorite in Downton Abbey too. WE have seen the whole second episode already and I loved it. Hope the third comes soon too.
    I love that rose tea trio. Beautiful. And the scones look delicious.

  8. Where to start! I love Downton Abbey and Maggie Smith really creates a character we love to dislike! She is really something. I really enjoyed that short hour too!
    Now your gorgeous cup! It is so pretty with the pansies, roses and (maybe) lilac! Just lovely.
    Now, your scones....oh my! but they look so very delicious! I would love to taste them!
    Thank you so much for joining in T.T. each week, it is a pleasure to visit you.

  9. adoring the flowers in your tea cups!!!

  10. I love Downton Abbey and have watched all the episodes - can't wait for season three. Your Adderley teacup trio is lovely and apricot ginger scones sound yummy.

    Hope your hubby is soon over his cold.

  11. Your luncheon tea set has a pretty pattern. Funny, I rarely make my scones in wedges, my mother always made rounds so I do too.
    I'll have to see if we can get Downton Abbey in our area, I do like Maggie Smith.

  12. Hi Ruth
    Forgot to say I don't mind being a Mac guinea pig. I know how to do more on it than I ever did on a PC. Email me through my blog if you want to chat about this.

  13. Oh, you are like me! I pause period movies and look at the tea too! I love your china and I have to watch Downtown Abbey. Haven't got to view it yet! Thank you for stopping by! I always love to find a new tea party.

  14. Hi: Your cup is beautiful. As always you share some amazing cups. Love it all. Hugs, Martha

  15. The scones look yummy! Perfect for a snowy winter's day. Snow is so pretty. I like how it looks on the lavender.

    The little flowers on your china are beautiful.


  16. The Adderley trio is gorgeous. It is fun to watch the period pieces on TV and see the china. Hope your husband is feeling better soon. Happy Tea Day

  17. Ruth, I love this teacup! It really is a pretty thing. I too watch for teacups and china in movies and TV shows. Funny thing is, even my hubby is starting to notice! Have a wonderful day.


  18. Hi Ruth,
    I hope, your husband is feeling better, soon. You made a lovely tea time and I enjoyed the pretty tea cup as much as the scones. The snow picture looks so nice.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  19. Ooooo! Want to run to the kitchen and rustle up some scones of me own - looking at yours! Yes, teatime is a delight!

    So sorry to hear about your husband's cold and Parkinson's. May the Lord bless you with strength to meet the needs of the day. Tea helps, too.

    Sweet trio - and I showed my Adderley creamer and sugar today - with violets - and not quite so circa 1900. I haven't seen Downtown Abbey yet - all my kindred BBC drama spirits tell me I must and, I daresay, I shall in time. We don't get TV so things go on my DVD wish list.

    Bless you in all!

  20. Oh your china is so pretty and the scones are making me hungry!! I made some scones the other day and couldn't find my dried cranberries so used so fig bits. Had some homemade lemon curd that I topped them with and they were yummy!

    Watched the 1st series of Downtown Abbey but, as we don't have tv service I will have to wait till they come out in DVD.

    Come by and sign up for my fun giveaway!

    bee blessed

  21. Absolutely adore Maggie Smith and Downton Abbey. Such a wonderful change from most of the drivel on tv these days.

  22. I love Maggie Smith, but I am getting discouraged - our local station has shown episode 1 4 times and #2 3 times. I want to see #3! Lovely blog you have here.

  23. MORE snow? We had a lot on Tuesday night and then it all went away. Wet and cold. LOVE Downton Abbey...missed it when I was away at the retreat.
    Beautiful set...just lovely.
    Need to comment on the tea people's blogs. This group drops you when you don't keep
    Stay warm.
    Love, LInda

  24. What amazing patterns!! I love these. Happy VTT

  25. I would love to come to tea seeing the yummy scones and tea. I enjoyed reading your blog tonight. I would hate to have to pick a favorite tea cup and saucer. You have so many pretty ones. Take care A new Missouri Friend.

  26. I too love period films and often watch them just for the backgrounds and to see the china being used. Loved your post.

  27. Ladies, I am again watching Downton Abbey and specifically today, Season 5 episode 7. The Dowager Countess has Lady Mary to tea and I love her china! Any thoughts on the pattern? I have researched this topic to no avail. Thanks and blessings, Leslea


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)