
Thursday, January 19, 2012

I've Been Poorly...and snowed in!

I want to thank you all for your kind comments are prayer while I cared for my DH who was out of commission with a cold. The good news is, he has recovered. The bad news is...I have it! Sigh...BUT...I couldn't have gone out and done anything anyway....

This "snow cat" is from the Seattle Post Intelligencer. In the Seattle Arboretum. The rest are photos I took Tuesday in our yard before the cold really got bad.

We are an area, coastal where we don't get much snow. Tuesday we got 6 inches. Yesterday we got 3 more and another 3 today. I know...that is nothing for hardy folks in more severe winter areas. But...this is considered a coastal semi arid in here in Sequim, Washington on the Olympic Peninsula. We only average 15-17 inches of precipitation annually. Last year was the wettest in 15 years...we got 20 inches! We are not called the Blue Hole for nothing!

We used to live in the mountains at 5,000 feet and averaged 280 inches of snow a year. But this is unusual for here. So we have basically stayed in. I baked bread rather than buying it. Had a pork roast in the freezer that went into the crock pot with whole berry cranberry sauce, garlic and orange juice...a family favorite. Must have used 2 boxes of kleenex so far.

So...again I am sorry I have missed visiting blogs and participating in blog parties but hope to be back to normal soon. Until then...talked to a friend In Juneau Alaska today. We shouldn't complain. We have more snow than they do...but they haven't been about zero in 3 weeks! Every area has it's own problems!

Have a great weekend.


  1. Sorry that you are sick. The snow pictures are very pretty. I hope you can rest and feel better soon.

  2. Sorry you're not feeling well -- I heard about your snow on the television -- you really did get a LOT of snow!

  3. Sorry to hear you are so poorly. Keep warm and stay inside. You have so much snow. We had that last year, now we even haven't had winter at all. Weather in the whole world is different.
    HOpe you get better soon.

  4. Take care!!! Drink tea, lots of tea.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)