
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Teacup Tuesday..a bit late...Foley E. Brain China and Shelley Foley Wileman China

Happy Teacup Tuesday with Martha & Terri...I love to do this! I just got back from a bit of a break with friends, unloaded the car, petted the cat and realized it was Teacup Tuesday although I am a bit late! BUT...better late than never!!

This is a such a pretty light blue exterior cup and saucer with a floral bouquet inside by Foley China, E. Brain of England. The shape is elegant and the design is so pretty!

I just love the myriad designs teacups come in. Say floral teacup, and it seems you might know what it will look like but there are thousands of different variations on that theme, and room for more!
To see more info and photos at Antiques And Teacups website, visit this link:
Foley Cup And Saucer Blue And Floral

An interesting thing about this manufacturer is Foley China often is mistakenly thought to be a part of Shelley Chin'a pedigree because they used the name The Foley for awhile.'s the same as the many names of potters using the generic name Limoges which is actually only a town or region in France. But a Haviland, Limoges is totally different and not related to an Ahrenfeldt, Limoges...they just are made in the same area of France. 

The same is true for Foley China, E. Brain and The Foley, Wileman Foley or Shelley Foley. Foley is an area in the Potteries area of Stoke-on-Trent like Barlastan, Trent and others. So...born in the same area of the Potteries, but not related.

I certainly hope you've all had a wonderful time while I was gone and I can't wait to check up on everyopne's post that I have missed. Have a great day!


  1. love your inside 'scoop', Ruth!
    having lived in the trent area for a bit, great memories of visiting various potteries and outlets... many thx!
    glad you're home & hitting the floor running :)

  2. Hi Sharon. It was wonderful in the Potteries. Now when we visit it is so sad! Can't find many and the Royal Doulton is a large warehouse like shop in a mall!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)