
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Teacup Thursday Wedgwood Blue Jasperware Teacup

I freely admit I love any color as long as it is's a life long thing. I'm not sure why, but...there it is. So I noticed Miss Spenser is planning to share blue teacups on her blog during January Teacup Thursdays and I thought...I am there!!! Antiques And Teacups has LOTS of blue because, hey, I'm the Anglo American Picker here!

This is a Wedgwood, England cup and saucer in their blue jasperware, which is a form of stoneware discovered in the 18th century, with the white jasperware design called Sacrifice With Lamb. This particular teacup was made in 1959.  We have visited Wedgwood in England several times during the years. Their old pottery in Stoke-on-Trent had a tour where you could wlk trough the actual production studio and watch the jasperware being made which is actually a very delicate process. The clay is wettish and using a palette knife, the very thin designs in a contracting color of damp clay that has been pressed and trimmed are then carefully positioned and applied by hand. Really skilled artisans at work. I believe they still have...I hope...a demonstration area at the Wedgwood Museum in Barlaston, England because the other pottery has closed.

To see more information and photos visit:
Wedgwood jasperware teacup Sacrifice With Lamb

And for other royalists and anglophiles, more details of the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate were released yesterday and you can see those by visiting the Prince Of Wales website here:
Prince Of Wales

I'll be AWOL for a bit...we are taking a post Christmas week off and I won't always be close to a computer...which is in itself an amazing thing...or at least not always have good reception so there will be gaps in my posts until the 16th. I will be checking in as much as possible, because I hate to miss ANYTHING from any of the wonderful blogs I follow! I will miss next Teacup Tuesday I think....we'll see. So I'll be doing a wonderful catch up blog wallow when I get back to the computer. How fun!!! Have a great day...and a cuppa with a friend!


  1. Hello, Nice to visit you for tea.Love your cup. Do you use it?It's so nice I'm afraid I would just put it on display.I've got to learn to use my nicer ones.I'm a new follower.Came over from teatime thurs.Would love for you to visit me for tea and fellowship.

  2. Hi Denise and thanks for visiting. Yep...I use it (or the one like it I have at home...this is in my shop, Antiques And Teacups at I'll come & visit your blog. Have been on holiday for a week, but am looking forward to catching up on all the posts now that I'm back.

  3. Your Wedgwood teacup is just gorgeous! I remember seeing lots of Wedgwood when I sold it in a jewelery store years ago. I don't see much of it any more. Pity, because it is lovely! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your break.



Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)