
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Afternoon Tea Week Birthday Joys Victoria and Wedgwood

Still summer here... and it is Afternoon Tea Week! A Brit thing really, but... that applies to us anyway... not that it isn't Afternoon Tea week every week of the year around here!

Some of this post is from a previous one, but so identical that nothing much has changed. Thanks so much for mail order and phone orders with drive up  pick up!

And we ordered our favorite British tea treats stash!
Jaffa Cakes... the orange and chocolate biscuits ...
HobNobs... our favourite EVER British biscuit... dark chocolate on an oat wholemeal biscuit
and Battenburg Cakes... layered and chessboard assembled cakes covered in a marzipan layer.

And my birthday was the last few days... so my placed an order and picked up...  6 decorated cupcakes from our local award winning bakery That Takes The Cake.

and, like a dodo... I forgot to take a photograph until we were down to the last 2 today... sigh...

These are... in the package... Lemon Limon, and the one on the plate is Champagne French Vanilla.
We also had my husband's favorite Coconut Cream Supreme, Almond Poppy Seed Cream, and 2 chocolates... one a chocolate mint and one for my Honey a chocolate coconut hazlenut cream.

And for tea, I am just finishing up a Harney and Sons Anniversary Blend tea... a nice robust black tea.

The china is the Green Georgian pattern teacup trio by Allertons, England from the 1930s. It came in other colors too, but we only have green at the moment.

I was looking though old Victoria magazines at tea time, and saw this one with Wedgwood jasperware teacups on the front, and had just gotten one, so decided to photograph it that way...

The pretty blue and white jasperware teacup was made in 1959 and features the Sacrifice Figures on the cup and the playing cherubs on the saucer. So charming!

This lovely afternoon tea collage is from CollagesMyPassion on Facebook... gorgeous!

So, lots of lovely tea things this week for Afternoon Tea week... hope there are lots in your week as well!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday,dear Ruth!I wish you Happiness,Health,Love and Peace.God bless you and yours!Your post is wonderful as ever!I enjoy your Facebook so much too.Hugs!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)