
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Comfort Teatime and Comfort Food

Hello dear friends. Hoping your days are retaining some order and peace. 
We keep saying... "when things get back to normal..." but we wonder when and what that will be!

A common comment on my Facebook page for Antiques And Teacups is thank you for a bit of peace and beauty in a chaotic world. I share what brings be those elusive things right now.

The tea tray I am sharing for this week is not what I had planned, but life intervened, as it has a way of doing.
Our daughter and son in law bought property close by last year as they live out of state, and planned to be back here by April 1st to begin construction...
That was cancelled by the virus. So they started on their way last week in their trailer with their dog and 3 cats...
only to have been forced to stop just over the Oregon border, one state away from us, because our son in law was in great pain.
After various tests at a local hospital to where they booked in with their RV
 it was found that he has a kidney stone, so things have not gone as expected for any of us. We have been on the phone with our daughter constantly as it is ongoing at the moment.
Sigh... normal indeed. BUT... he is negative for COVID-19, which was routinely tested as soon as he entered the emergency room.

So just a tea tray for a comfort tea during prayer and calls about Alan.
I used my family Royal Doulton, England Rosebud teacup and family silver...

And a Claud Monet's Water Lilies teapot from Leonardo, England from the artist's painting from 1906... love the blues!

And some plain scones and strawberries in Royal Albert, England's Old Country Roses cream and sugar...

Speaking of strawberries, I found another strawberry fork! I love them! this is by Rogers (Anchor) Silver Company, USA in the Newton or Raleigh pattern from 1900. So elegant!

Just basic scones. Nothing fancy...

And enjoying looking through Christie's Teapots book. I do love antique teapots!

It does a great job of an historical overview of the great potters I love.
There is nothing that establishes a sense of peace in turmoil, that a cup of tea and a book for a bit of a respite before again entering the fray... which is life in all it's myriad facets.

We are only getting groceries delivered about every 10 days to 2 weeks, and ran out of meats for lunch. And needed comfort food, so...

Being raised in an English household, there are things I don't think twice about until someone points them out.  Like I mean an American goggling at me and asking "what???" And such a case happened yesterday.  I am on my milk free diet due to this having been a bad year for my respiratory allergies, and food can get boring. A friend was visiting and asked what I was making for lunch. I told her without thinking, Tuna and Sweet Corn sandwiches...and she almost spilled her tea down the front of her shirt. Her next comment was "Ewwwww, that sounds horrible!"

That's when I thought...ahh...another Brit thing I take for granted. I was raised on them...along with bacon butties, chip butties, toad in the hole, etc. is the recipe. I love Tuna and Sweet Corn sandwiches. In England you see them all over, and their baguette sandwiches are the best!!! You can even get them at Sainsbury's of Marks and Spencers or any good food hall all over the country.

Tuna & Sweet Corn sandwich spread

1 can of water pack chunk white or albacore tuna, drained and flaked into bowl
chopped green onions to taste---all of this recipe has lots of room to innovate, I do it all the time

dried dill weed---again, to taste

1/2 to 3/4 cup sweet corn kernals, drained canned or thawed frozen or cut from cooked, cooled...the English call it sweet corn because what they call corn is what we call wheat

2tbs or as desired of mayo...some folks like to add or substitute sour cream or cream fraiche, but I don't with the milk allergy

a dash of lemon juice and pepper if desired. Mix well and chill. Serve on bread, a bagel or a small split baguette.

May you find some peace, hope and love in your world.
First through prayer and meditation, but also from tea, companionship and maybe comfort food! Lol!


  1. We need to find joy wherever we can these days. For me, that's tea and my teawares!

    The tuna and sweet corn sound good to me. I may have to try it one day.

  2. This is a new one on me! My English grandmother and mother did not make it. Sounds good, though. Especially on a baguette. Hope your SIL has recovered.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)