
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Pumpkin S'Mores Roll Cake Results

I hope you have had a lovely Thanksgiving. We did... especially after hearing our kids, on their way home to Utah early because of snow storms, finally got into California en route after 2 days stuck in Medford, Oregon because I-5 was closed by a freak snow storm.

I mentioned in my last post, that I was going to make this S'mores Pumpkin Roll cake... you can read the post and find the recipe HERE

And there were a lot of messages and comments on my Facebook page asking to see the results, so...

Here is the cake under it's domed cloche cake top... along with our simple Thanksgiving setting for the two of us...

The settings are our family Royal Doulton, England 1930s Rosebud pattern china, and embossed gold rim Tiffin glassware from my mother...

The cake with the dome off... looks a bit different... the recipe called for mini marshmallow bits, but all I could find was mini marshmallows. I tried cutting them, but messy and not successful... oh well...

But it turned out to be delicious, and we were quite happy with the results!


  1. You did an excellent job on your cake! I have been exercising whilst watching the Food Channel and just saw an episode where the chefs had to make a cake roll. One of them had a very bad roll as his dough stuck to the silicone mat.
    Yours is so smooth! Well done.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)