
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Days Tea Re Visited With New Photos

As this is the weekend of the Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Festival, I have done a partial repost from 2011 with additional photos I recently found from the afternoon tea...

In 2011 we attended events at Port Townsend, Washington during their Port Townsend Heritage Days. The town, about 30 miles from us on a peninsula with harbor on the Strait of Juan De Fuca and the Hood Canal and Puget Sound that calls itself the Victorian Seaport Village. The town has more than it's share of Victorian buildings, many that are BnBs.

We attended a Victorian Afternoon Tea, as it was billed at one of the BnBs. You were assigned to one of several that participated in the tea event when you purchased your ticket. We were assigned to The Old Consulate Inn and had 12 at the dining room table and had a 4 course meal with tea.

Some of the ladies came in costume from different eras. We had sisters in 1850s bustle outfits, a woman in an 1890s outfit and 2 ladies in 1910 dress. I had a long dress with a lace collar/jabot and antique painted brooch...not exactly period, but...

So here are some of the photos from the tea.

The Old Consulate Inn where the tea was held...

The 2 sisters who attended the weekend in period dress...

2 other ladies attending the festival weekend...

Costume backs...

The sideboard and silver tea set...

The magnificent parlor chandelier with the blown glass grape fixtures...

Another dining room buffet...

The fireplace in the foyer...

The dining room set for the afternoon tea...

The menu...

Baked Apple with Brandied Raisins and Pecans
Seafood Salad in Puff Pastry
Cream Cheese & Olive on White Bread
Cucumber, Sprouts & Dill Spread On Wheat

Plain Sugar Crusted Scones with
Homemade Strawberry Jam & Double Cream 

Toffee Crackers
Lemon Glazed Cupcakes
Shortbread Cookies with White Chocolate

Heritage Red Tea

The place settings... set with matching Limoges china...

The setting for the fruit or starter course...

I forgot to photograph the sandwiches... we were all having such a lovely time getting acquainted...

Scones course... and i almost forgot to photo this too!

So 2 photos of the Sweets course to make up for it! Lol!

We had a wonderful time and left stuffed!!!!  My DH didn't mind that he was the only male with 11 ladies...and he is certainly capable of holding his own. And as soon as he opens his mouth and the British accent is evident...well!

And a last photo of thedesk in the parlor and the stained glass window.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Wonderful tour!This great tea time brightens up my day...Have a lovely Sunday!

  2. What a wonderful tea room, Ruth, and the menu was fabulous!

  3. A lovely teatime and especially enjoyed seeing the ladies in their historic style dresses.

  4. I love old mansions and visited one in my town when they hosted a Murder in the Mansion fund raiser. My friends and I dressed like "flappers" and I found an antique carved long cigarette holder-I don't smoke but it was a work of art. The woodwork is breathtaking. I would love the sideboard and that stained glass window.

  5. What a delightful afternoon tea experience. The period costumes were a nice touch!

  6. What a wonderful experience to share with your charming DH, Ruth! Thank you for bringing us along. Like you, I would have worn something long though not period. (I just posted a steamed jam sponge pudding, something your DH likely had many years ago.)


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)