
Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 16th Antique Postcard, Happy Birthday Jane Austen

Happy December 16th...
more storm, and more power outages, but it's on this morning...hopefully will stay on!
our antique postcard for today is...

With cheerful bells and a poem from 1929...

Posted from New York...

As it says...
Love at Xmas....

And Happy Birthday today, December 16th, to Jane Austen, born in 1775.

I can think of few authors who have had such an historic influence over the intervening years on books, movies and... even tea!

I saw this recently... 
on a word play from Pride and Prejudice, we have Pride and Peppermint from a company called NovelTeaTins...
tea for bibliophiles...
I qualify, so may order this...if just for the tin!  

Jane Austen Pride and Peppermint Tea Book from NovelTeas for Bibliophiles...


  1. That tea would be perfect to serve when my British Book Club meets. Like you, I really want that tin. My friend is trying to convince me to join the Jane Austen Club of North American and attend one of the conferences with her. I certainly need to read more of Austen's novels before joining. Stay safe during the storms!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to Jane Austen. I would totally order that tea! A few weeks ago, I saw these super cute Jane Austen-themed knee socks. But I told myself that I didn't need them...Of course, when I went back, they were gone!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)