
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Quick update here

Just a quick update...
yesterday my Honey had a camera probe which resulted in good news and not so...
The specialist said that the good was he is is pretty good shape despite Parkinson's Disease, etc, 
there is no cancer or other possible problems. 
The not so good is that surgery is definitely necessary, and we are waiting for a scheduling sometime for the middle of September.
At least now we know where we are now.

I took this photo for fun to show off a birthday gift from a friend... some lovely macarons.
Raspberry with chocolate, Lemon, Matcha and Pistachio and Chocolate/Chocolate....there were a dozen. 
A fun tea treat.

The teapot is a Roy Kirkham Redoute' Rose from Antiques And Teacups, which I was photographing when the macarons arrived.

Using one of my spare Shelley saucers. This is a Rock Garden Chintz.

Will keep you posted, but am still mainly caregiving, so will not be posting a Tuesday Cuppa Tea for a bit...
Have a lovely week!


  1. Thank you for the update on you honey, Ruth. Prayers for both of you will continue.
    What a sweet friend that gifted you with the yummy macarons. The Roy Kirkham teapot is a beauty! god bless you.

  2. Thank you for the update, Ruth. I'm glad you know now what is in store for your hubby. It's the not knowing that is so difficult. With God's help, you will both get through it. The macaroon looks so pretty with your teapot and saucer. Take care.

  3. Gorgeous teapot and pretty saucer!Love the pink crocheted doily too!The macarons look pretty and delicious...Thank you for the update.Faith and strength,God is with you and He is good.Best wishes,dear Ruth.

  4. Thanks for the update on your husband, Ruth.

    Your tea time with macaroons look lovely. Almost too pretty to eat!

  5. What a pretty post, Ruth, and mostly good news! Sorry your husband will be having surgery. Thanks for the updates--the community you have built here cares very much about you both.

  6. Those macarons are lovely and so pretty on that plate. Also wanted you to know I just said a prayer for your husband!

  7. Ruth, just checking back to see any further updates. I'm sure we are all thinking of you. Hugs.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)