
Monday, April 23, 2018

Tuesday Cuppa Tea Birthdays and Tea!

Welcome dear Tuesday Cuppa Tea! This week's post is celebrating all sorts of fun things!

I hope you have your teacup at the ready....because it's time to celebrate a special birthday! 

I have chosen my teacups this week in honour of Queen Elizabeth II's actual birthday on April 21st... she is 92 on the 21st!

This was taken at the Royal Albert Hall special concert birthday celebration...
Doesn't she look wonderful? She is flanked by Princes Charles and William..Catherine is due to deliver her 3rd at any moment...with Shophie Countess of Wessex who is the wife of Edward behind. I can't tell who else is back there, but the queen looks marvelous! Hope I look that good at 92!

I set up a royal tea on our antique Barley Twist table in the sunroom for a royal birthday tea afternoon tea in the sunroom is a fixture around here...with 2 British Royal commemorative teacups honoring Queen Elizabeth II....the first is...what a surprise! 

A Shelley coronation teacup from 1953 with my favorite sepia photograph taken by the Queens then brother-in-law Anthony Armstrong-Jones who was married to Princess Margaret....

Definitely my favorite of the coronation images! The next is a 2012 English bone china cup and saucer commemorating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. It has a mature Queen Elizabeth with the national symbol flowers of the United Kingdom and a dedication from one of the newer Staffordshire potteries. Lovely workmanship though.

I am just so thrilled that there are currently small potteries carrying on in the tradition of their china manufacturing giant relatives that are no longer....

I added goodies...what's a tea party without that! Vegan Almonette cookies for me, chocolate dipped coconut macaroons for my Honey and a few vegan lemon wafers just in's still pollen season, and I don't dare have chocolate...I'd have asthma immediately with the pollen overload...and I found these patriotic biscuits at the Tetley Tea website...

April 21st is the actual birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, although it is officially celebrated in June as the weather's more predictable. The Queen was born on April 21, 1926, and I have been wondering if her new great grandchild, expected by William and Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, would be born to share her birthday...but no news as yet.

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary in a photo by Marcus Adams with her mother Elizabeth, then Duchess of York...

An official coronation photograph from 1953...

My favorite photo of the christening of Prince George, son of William and Catherine, with the queen gazing at her new great by James Bell/Camera Press...

And one of my favorite images of Queen Elizabeth....source unknown...

And, if that wsn't enough, April 21st was also UK National Tea day...
the above photo with the corgi is also from Tetley tea... and the following graphic is from Yordhire you can see which brew up you prefer...I am in the Tannin Salon...

April 23rd is also a special day... it's Please join me in wishing William Shakespeare Happy 454th Birthday on April 23!  Amazing!  He was born on April 23rd, 1564.
The most read, memorized, published and produced playwright in history! Now that's someone to celebrate! 

So, a thoroughly British week...and with a new royal baby expected this week, more to celebrate soon. Plus the upcoming nuptials of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle next month.

So thanks for joining me for tea! Things are still happening around here, good and not-so-good, but I always love joining you all for tea. Have a wonderful week!
I am joining:

Below is the list of some of the blog parties I will be part of and there is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and can find you to visit!


  1. Dear Ruth,your post is just stunning today!Very interesting and beautiful!It is really a pleasure visiting your clever blog!Happy Birthday to Queen Elizabeth!Thanks for hosting!

  2. Good morning, Ruth! Happy Birthday to the Queen and yes, I hope I look that good at 92, also. Well, I just heard the news of the royal birth on the news this morning! Thank you for hosting and sharing. I'm a "tannin salon" like you. Hope you have a happy week.

  3. Love the royal cup collection, Ruth. Thanks for all tge info. How nice to welcome another royal baby! ...Christine

  4. Happy Birthday to the Queen! I was actually engaged in birthday festivities on the 21st, but it was for a friend's 50th birthday. I fall between the Tannin Salon and the Out of Milk on the Yorkshire chart. Thanks for hosting.

  5. Dear Ruth:
    Now isn't that a lovely family photo with the Queen! I do think it is all so exciting have another baby too! Those are lovely teacups! I enjoyed all the information and news!

  6. I admire the queen very much! You have lovely teacups!

  7. Ruth, I alternate between "tannin salon" and "out of milk." Thanks so much for hosting. I'm rather excited about my post today -- one of my favorite tea sandwiches AND a giveaway of THE most perfect knife for tea sandwiches (and lots of other things) ever.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)