
Monday, March 19, 2018

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Irish Farewell Around Here, First Day Of Spring

Hi's a shortened Tuesday Cuppa Tea due to...

We have had plumbing problems, needed to replace the kitchen faucet that revealed problems, had a computer problem and spring allergies have been severe!  So had trouble getting an inspiration/finding time for my post this week....

Hope you had a lovely St. Patrick's Day...I made corned beef and cabbage in my new Crock-Pot Express Pot which turned out very well...even despite beginner errors...

Hope you had a lovely St. Patrick's Day...I made corned beef and cabbage in my new Crock-Pot Express Pot which turned out very well...even despite beginner errors...
And I found a new Shamrock teacup! Always nice!

It's made by Salisbury, England from the 1950s. Lovely shape!

And our last Irish treats for dessert last night...a friend gave us some little cupcakes with green frosting and shamrock cute...and tasty!
And I know you've seen my Shelley Shamrock teacup before....

So Saint Patrick's Day is past, and Tuesday March 20th is the official meterological first day of 9:35am...are you ready?

From Victoria magazine...a quote from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow...

If spring came but once
in a century, instead of once a year,
or burst forth with the sound
of an earthquake, and not in silence,
what wonder and expectation
would there be in all our hearts
to behold the miraculous change.

I COULD wish it didn't have the accomanying pollen, but....
Thanks so much for joining me today....

I am also joining

Here is the Tuesday Cuppa Tea linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there!  I am so looking forward to visiting you!


  1. Oh dear, Ruth, I'm sorry about your troubles. May they all be taken care of soon.
    I am sighing over that new shamrock teacup...soooo pretty! I would snatch that up if I ever saw it, too. Thank you for hosting and sharing with us.

  2. Love the shamrock teacup. What a great find!

  3. Oops, I lost my comment. So, I'll begin again. Sorry for all your troubles, Ruth. We have had a new kitchen faucet awaiting installation by a friend since last August. Leaky taps are a pain and sometimes friends are busy. I love your new shamrock teacup. What a beautiful find! This new season which is upon us is so lovely but I know for folks like yourself, it also brings its discomforts. Do take care, my friend! Hugs...Sandi

  4. Lucky you to find another shamrock teacup! I also enjoyed corned beef and green/white cupcakes on St. Paddy's Day. I hope that the plumbing/faucet issues have been resolved. Thank you for hosting and enjoy the first week of spring!

  5. Dear Ruth,thanks for hosting! I hope things goes better for you...I love your pretty new teacup,just amazing. Those shamrocks teacups are rare here.The cupcakes are delightful!Hugs!

  6. Plumbing problems are such a pain. I hope things are better now. I do love the shamrock teacups. I am lucky enough to have one too.

  7. Short and Sweet is delightful ... So sorry for your plumbing problems etc... Hope it’s all over soon....Your new cup is gorgeous .. and the gold rim really gives it an elegant edge...Nice find... Truly a lovely quote from Longfellow... Thank You sharing these beautiful words... HAPPY SPRING to you too... Hugs

  8. Ruth, I love spring! But for those with spring allergies ... well, I am sorry. And plumbing troubles, etc. And yet you've still managed to do a beautiful post. Thank you for hosting.

  9. Hi Ruth,
    Your Shelley shamrock teacup is a treasure and I would love to try those cupcakes please. I'm so happy it's spring! Blessings! Karen


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)