
Sunday, December 3, 2017

Antique Christmas Postcard for Dec. 3rd, Good Lab Reports for my Honey

Hi there...I am just getting in the Christmas spirit, as we finally got back tests and labs done over the last 2 weeks for my husband...

Taken in the sunroom, my dear husband of 44 years...
He has had Parkinson's Disease for almost 20 years, diagnosed for 10 years, but doing well.
But...has had back problems for years, and back surgery in 1996 for job related double scoliosis of the spine.  We joke that his spine looks almost as bad as Richard III, recently found in Leicester, England! A real double S curve, in opposing directions top and bottom!

But, after the surgery which was an amazing instant improvement, since then he has minor episodes, and has know how to treat them for recovery within a few days. But this time pain was above the usual area, and brought in concerns about internal organs, as he didn't think it was spine related.
So...test results...stellar on all blood and other labs. They said he is extremely healthy...
So the pain seems to be from the spine again, but nerve from the vertebrae above the usual area.
So that is good...treatable with patience.
We were very relieved! 
So although he is needing more help, he is feeling a bit better, and this, Lord willing, will pass quickly.
So...back to normal...whatever that is!

A few years ago I posted an antique postcard daily through Chrostmas, and...although late in starting as this is December 3rd, I plan to do that again...I have actually been doing that on my Facebook page already.
If you would like to follow my page, it is here:

This dates from 1908...and I love the snowy village scene!

I love old postcards! They are such a window on the past!

Have a lovely day! Hopefully I will get the tree up first adventure of doing it myself...might be interesting!
Good thing it's a small artificial one, due to allergies, so should be pretty easy, I hope.
Have a lovely cup of tea with a friend and enjoy your day!


  1. Hi Ruth!I hope your husband gets better soon...Love your pretty card and your facebook is just wonderful!

  2. Glad to hear that your hubby is on the mend, Ruth!

  3. Wonderful news about your handsome husband, Ruth. I will continue to keep him in my prayers. Make sure he's not faking the pain to get out of helping Deck the Halls and all that. Bad joke. Hope it makes you smile.

    Your postcards are so awesome. It just amazes me that one needn't even write out an address back then just a name and town and state. Nowdays if you make one tiny mistake they just automatically send it back - versus trying to get it to the proper person. Funny, that sorta sums up work ethics of the day, doesn't it? Anyway, I digress.

    Have a happy Advent season. Bless you both. Take care. Hugs.

  4. Dear Ruth: How can we say "good bad news"? I think you know what I mean as it is sad he has suffered but we are glad they feel it is something that can improve! He certainly looks healthy in this photo and I have (like many) prayed for him and will continue too!

  5. Dear Ruth, I'm glad your hubby is feeling somewhat better. He looks quite content in your photo and I know from experience that when the joy of the Lord is within us, we can smile even while in pain. He always gives us something to smile about. God bless you both!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)