
Monday, August 7, 2017

Tuesday Cup Of Tea Hibernating

Hello and welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea...from a very smokey Pacific Northwest....

This is a map of the current smoke conditions from Canadian wildfires...and we are up there at the top of  Washingtom state in a red dot zone...designating very unhealthy air. So headaches and breathing problems, and told to stay indoors by our a bit of an abbreviated tea time....

So tea was a small affair in the sunroom....

I used one of my English hand embroidered I love, with a beautifully done wreath of flowers on linen from the 1930-1940s...

We have been unable to do a lot of things we would usually be doing due to the record heat coupled with the smoke, so I have been catching up on some reading. This is a fairly recent find at our monthly library sale... Better Homes And Gardens Cottage Style from 1998....

This is probably my favorite place so far...A Full Plate...decorating with plates...

My a mug! A Dunoon, England mug in a pattern called Cottage Life designed by artist Richard Partis...

It has several vignettes of cottage life during the Victorian or Edwardian eras and is so sweet! The row of stone cottages on the front looks like several Cotswold villages we have stayed in as well!

And to drink...not hot tea today, but a favorite cold Vanilla Chai Green Tea drink from Bolthouse Farms.  It is made with soy milk, and Chai spices with green tea and is so addictive! It is difficult to find around here, and I was so happy to find it in a large 1 1/2 litre bottle at our Grocery Food Outlet. I came home with the only 2 they had...rats! Hope they have some this week...we will be making a secial trip to see...hoping...

And for a teatime treat...a flop!!! I got a recipe for a variation of a Pineapple Upside Down Cake, which we love, but with a middle layer of crushed pineapple. 
I am not posting the recipe, because we didn't like it. It made the texture sort of mushy, was bland, and we didn't even finish it...
oh well, into every kitchen, a few flops arrive....

It's my 70th birthday this week..I know, OLD!! Lol!
But don't know what we will be doing if anything with the heat and smoke...we are playing it by ear.

I do have one present coming...I love Dale Chihuly, the glass artist, and my daughter messaged me on Facebook that she is sending me this...isn't that sweet? A tote bag of the famous Persian glass ceiling...

This is a photo I took of the glass ceiling on a visit a year ago to the Seattle Chihuly Garden and Glass, and I often post his work on my Facebook page.

So thanks for joining me for tea! I am joining...

Here is the Tuesday Cuppa Tea linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there!  I am so looking forward to visiting you!


  1. Happy Birthday, Ruth! I hope that you have fun celebrating your milestone birthday.

    I read that this is the worst Canadian wildfire since the 1950s. The Vanilla Chai Tea sounds really interesting--I'll have to see if my local grocers carry them.

    Thank you for hosting and enjoy your birthday week!

  2. I'm so sorry that you're having to endure the issues from the wildfires, Ruth. However, what a pretty tea you've set up for us. I do love your tablecloth and the tea mug. It looks so pretty with your cross stitched cottage in the background.
    Happy 70th Birthday this week! Your tote is going to be so beautiful to carry. I've seen two Chihuly exhibits, and they are spectacular!
    Thanks for hosting your birthday week party!!

  3. Happy Birthday,Ruth!God bless you!!I love the beautiful embroidery tablecloth,a treasure!Beautiful plate and mug too!Thank you so much for hosting!

  4. Have a wonderful birthday Ruth! I have Sils and Fils that look and feel great over 70 and hubby was 70 this year too.
    Thank you for the party.
    Blessings and have a terrific week.

  5. Sorry to hear of all of the smoke issues in your area... your indoor tea was nice, though. I hope you have a great birthday week. :) Thank you for hosting the party.

  6. Happy Happy Birthday! You are celebrating the Cottage Life with your tea post today. Love the mug. I'd be hibernating, too with all the smoke. Take care. Happy Tea Day and Thanks for hosting!

  7. Dear Ruth:
    I have seen others talking about this on their blogs and Facebook. I remember that in Colorado. We didn't have air conditioning during the Waldo Canyon fires and we closed all the windows facing west. The next year after that horrible experience we got central air. Many homes there that are like 25 years old didn't have A.C. partly because at night it gets quite cool. I hope they get it under control soon. Your tea time looks pretty just the same.

  8. Also - just reread and saw that it is your birthday! Happy 70th. I am just a little behind you and not thrilled about getting older.

  9. Happy Birthday, and thank you for hosting! That is near most of Canada that is affected, wow...please stay safe. I love Chihuly, too, we went to Seattle and the exhibit was amazing. The bag from your daughter is great!

  10. Ruth, this strawberry ice cream served in teacups has become a staple at my summer tea parties, especially the ones in the garden. Sorry you're having all that smoke - very difficult to breathe. Seventy is sounding less old to me all the time - haven't you heard, 70 is the new 50!

  11. Happy 70th Birthday Ruth! Such a milestone. I'm catching up with you quickly. 62 next birthday. I know the smoke is terrible. I can't see the sun for the hazy sky. Rain is expected this weekend so hopefully it will clear up the air and help all of the wild fires. Thank you for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea! Blessings, Karen


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)