
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Queens Drop Scones | Town and Country Magazine

Town and Country magazine posted a recipe to their page last month that I have wanted to share...but what will health and family visits I haven't thought I would today.

This is the recipe Queen Elizabeth II serves to, I somehow don't think she dons an apron and makes them herself... but they are from her kitchen according to the magazine. The recipe is actually almost identical to my Nana's recipe. We had them every week or so with Lyle's Golden Syrup and icing (powdered) sugar.  Anyway, here is the recipe...

Ingredients (Enough for 16 people):
4 teacups* flour
4 tablespoons caster sugar
2 teacups* milk
2 whole eggs
2 teaspoons bi-carbonate soda
3 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons melted butter.
How to make:
Beat eggs, sugar and about half the milk together, add flour, and mix well together adding remainder milk as required, also bi-carbonate and cream of tartar, fold in the melted butter.
Her recipe ends there, but seeing as these are similar to pancakes, one can then assume the batter would be dropped into a pan by the spoonful and flipped when bubbles started to appear on the surface.
*One teacup is approximately equal to half a cup.

The video is from the article as well. 

To see the article in it's entirety, visit this link...
Queen Elizabeth's Drop Scones Town & Country magazine



  1. They look like pancakes to me Ruth, funny they would be called scones as well as the traditionally recognized scone.

  2. Ruth, thank you for sharing this with us. Like you, I can't see the queen tying on her pinny and manning the cooker! Hope you're feeling better.

  3. I echo Judith's comments on the scones' resemblance to pancakes. I'm sure they taste great with a cup of tea!

  4. I just love that the typed recipe calls for "teacups"of flour and truly delightful that is to the eyes. : - )


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