
Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year Year in Review #1 For Tuesday Cuppa Tea

Happy New Year 2017! And welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea! A bit late, but...

I hope your celebrations were wonderful!

Loved this New Year's Eve photo from London of Tower Bridge!

Our New Year and holidays this year were quiet, a bit tentative with recurring medication issues, but full of thankfulness for so much and lots of  hope and positive attitude for 2017.   

But the last week has not without some tech issues...first, my iPad did an update, and I have been unable to open it since...and unable to find someone to fix it for me due to the holidays. I rely on that for many things because of back and arm issues which kick in if I am at the desktop too hopefully I can get that worked on this week.

Then with our extreme weather...for us...the last 2 weeks...we have had snow, freezing was 18 degrees this morning...and high winds...we have had power outages. So got half way through my 2016 year's retrospctive and have had to wait for power. I am also late visiting! It was restored this morning, but I thought I'd better do the 6 months I have completed and do the last half of the year tomorrow. Hope you don't mind!

January 2016

February 2016

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

June 2016

Definitely a wonderful, tea filled year around here...aren't we blessed? So much joy, abundance, comeraderie and friendship around a cuppa! Thanks to all my dear tea friends for so much beauty and friendship!

And a reminder that January is the Official Hot Tea Month...not that a reminder is needed around every month is!

And we are in the 12 Days Of Christmas...Twelfth Night, the night the Wise Men are to reach the Baby Jesus is January 5th or 6th depending on your calendar. That's also the day we take down the tree...and don't things look bard and drab after that...

Thanks for joining me today...and the next 6 months will post tomorrow...always assuming the power stays on! We are expecting 3 days of clear and very cold weather...the temp overnight will be in the low teens...definitely cold for us!

I am joining...

Thanks so much for joining me for tea!  Here is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and I do read every one if I can find and can get to you to visit!  If you comment from Google+…it isn’t forgive me if I am not replying to comments you so kindly leave...I am trying!


  1. Ruth you have great tea posts through the year! Here is to another great year of tea! Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Yes, aren't we lucky to have such comraderie through our love of tea related things? Thank you for hosting your first tea party of the year, Ruth. I hope you get your iPad issue resolved. I hope you and your honey have a very Happy 2017.

  3. Happy New Year, Ruth! I'm always grateful and appreciative of your commitment to hosting the weekly tea parties. I hope your technical issues get resolved soon. I enjoyed your monthly collages and look forward to seeing the July-Dec collages tomorrow. Thank you for hosting and enjoy the first week of 2017!

  4. Happy New Year, Ruth! Your monthly tea collages look lovely and so fun! Hopefully you will get your tech issues sorted out soon. We had a quiet New Years Eve as well although yesterday was busy celebrating a birthday. After all the busyness of the Holidays it's nice to spend some quiet time. May the New Year bring you and your hubby many blessings; good health and JOY!


  5. What a perfect teacup to welcome the new year! And your first six months of 2016 are lovely, so I'll look forward to seeing the other months when your computer decides to cooperate again. (We've all been there!)

  6. Ruth, I hope your electrical/computer woes will be past soon. It's very frustrating, I know. Thank you for hosting. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your blog.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)