
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tuesday Cuppa Tea Black Transferware Tea, Fall Tea Giveaway!

Hello and so glad you came. I want to thank you all for your kind comments, emails and prayer for us on the loss of our dear Tinker. We are trying to move's slow, but...and still dealing with the fallout from my Honey's medical issues...exacerbated mightily by the grief...Parkinson's doesn't do well with any kind of stress. But...God will make a way...we believe that!

This week to keep busy between doctor visits I made some cookies, and decided to make a fall teatime for us in the sunroom....

I used some black and white transferware I got a  while ago and some fall decor I filched from the living room and dining room, including the gold and pumpkin colored woven runner that is usually on the buffet...

along with various pumpkins and gourds, and other autumn colored things...

I alway display my cross stitched wall hanging of the Fruit Of The Spirit from Galations 5:22-23 that I did a few years ago during the autumn and Thanksgiving season....

And I added one of the fall pumpkins and gourds padded tea cozies I have in the shop because I love the colors!

My teaset isby Wedgwood, England in a black transferware Italian landscape design called Lugano...named for a lake town in Italy....

If you look closely at the pattern, there is a man with a goat walking by the cute!

Here is the cream and sugar. The set is made of Queen's Ware, or what Wedgwood calls cream ware.

The shape is an older Wedgwood shape dating to the 19th century, but the pattern was actually made between 1962 and 1980. I do love Wedgwood.

A couple of weeks I pulled out the holiday teas. This is my favorite fall flavor...Pumpkin Spice from Republic Of Tea...yummy! Just makes my taste buds know it's fall!

And there has to be some goodies at our tea...comfort food in demand around here at the moment. I had some Heath bar nuggets left from Halloween...we had no trick or treaters, which we were thankful for having lost our cat that looked for another recipe and found this one in an old cookbook using full sized bars, so I guessed with the minis. They were really good! And the house smelled divine! So here is the recipe:

Toffee crunch cookies

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup butter, softened, two sticks
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups chopped Heath Bar or other toffee candy bar pieces, which is about 6-8 regular size 1.4 ounce bars, chopped by hand or in a food processor 

In a large mixing bowl, sift together flour, salt, and baking soda and set aside.
In a mixer, beat together the butter and sugar until combined. Beat in eggs, one at a time, and vanilla and add to toffee pieces.
Alternately add in the toffee mixture and the flour mixture, a third at a time, until well blended.
Cover and chill cookie dough for about an hour.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and line cookie sheet with parchment
Roll chilled cookie dough into small, two-inch diameter balls and space 2 inches apart, as they spread while baking.
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, until the edges are just beginning to brown, and do not overbake.

Remove from oven and let cool on baking sheet for a few of minutes, then cool completely on a wire rack.


And one last thing...I have a giveaway for a packet of a special warming loose tea called Winter Berry Blend from The Kobuk Tea and Coffee House in Anchorage. I got some last summer, and liked it so well I ordered more of their teas, and wanted to share!

This blend says:  Warm up winter with this mint oil infused black tea mixed with dried raspberries, peppermint leaf and a hint of chocolate.

It has quite a scent of chocolate too, and is very nice! 2.5 ounces.
To enter, leave a comment saying ENTER. Open to US and Canada residents. I will pick a winner when the Tuesday Cuppa Tea meme closes on Sunday Nov. 20th at 5pm and announce the winner in next week's Tuesday Cuppa Tea post.

I am joining:

Thanks so much for joining me for tea!  Here is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and I do read every one if I can find and can get to you to visit!  If you comment from Google+…it isn’t forgive me if I am not replying to comments you so kindly leave...I am trying!


  1. What a lovely post! Your tea table looks inviting and I'm sure that afternoon tea was a comfort to both of you.
    ENTER!!!!! I would LOVE to win that tea! Sounds scrumptious!!

  2. Please ENTER me for the tea give away. It sounds just what I need to sip on as I read lovely blogs and enjoy the beautiful photos!

  3. Please enter me in your tea giveaway. That tea sounds delicious. Thanks for the chance to win.
    [email protected]

  4. Dear Ruth,
    I'm so sorry about Tinker. Our pets are family too. Your tea table looks lovely and I love your wall hanging! The black transferware is such a pretty pattern and I always find black to be elegant. I think most of us enjoy pumpkin spice tea this time of year, I know I do. Thank you for hosting and I pray your hubby feels better soon.


  5. I know you are dealing with so much, Ruth, but you have your faith to pull you along the journey. I do love your black transferware tea pieces, and your beautiful cross stitch piece. Your cookies look so good, too. I'm enjoying Twinings Pumpkin Spice Chai tea, and haven't tried the Republic brand. Please enter me in your tea giveaway. Thanks for hosting!

  6. Dear Ruth:
    What lovely black transferware. I even tried the Pumpkin tea iced but decided only like it hot. Your cookies do look good! I have your hubby on my prayer list here. Will continue to pray! So sorry for the loss of your dear pet. Thanks for sharing and linking.

  7. I don't have a blog so I don't know if I can enter. But I've been a subscriber to your blog for quite a while. I love your blog and the things you write about. Although, I am saddened to hear of the passing of your cat. We have two ~ ages 22 and 15. I can't imagine how you are feeling. Thanks for hosting the giveaway. And if it's acceptable for me to enter, please do.

  8. Your Wedgewood tea set is lovely, Ruth! I'm afraid that black transferwares are a rare breed around here. Your Winter Berry Blend sounds intriguing. I've started drinking my holidays teas. Thank you for hosting and have a great week!

  9. Your cookies look like they are from a bakery. So pretty!

  10. Ruth, such lovely pieces. I do love Wedgwood, too! Your cookies look really good. My latest post is Make-Ahead Turkey Gravy and Broth (can't link that), but Thursday I'll come back and link my Fruitcake (so good with a cup of tea).

  11. I always love viewing your afternoon tea settings while enjoying my afternoon tea. Please ENTER me as I am always looking for new delicious teas to try.
    Thanks you for your generosity.

    1. Hi won! chose you! Please send me your snail mail email button is on the left sidebar.

  12. Love your tea settings and autumn colours!

  13. That table setting is beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win some yummy tea!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  14. Ruth, Please ENTER me in the tea give away. I love the transfer ware. I especially like the glass pumpkin. I don't have much in fall decor. I likely have missed the clearance sales. Sylvia D.

  15. Please ENTER me and thanks for sharing with SYC. I love your black transferware. I found two teacups at a thrift shop, but have not saucers to go with them. I'll keep my eyes out. :) Sending prayers out to you and your hubby.

  16. Please do ENTER me. That tea sounds delicious. And I LOVE your black and white transferware - especially the design on the lids of the sugar bowl and teapot. Thank you for sharing them.

  17. Those toffee cookies look delicious! Heath bars are one of my favorite candy bars. The tea sounds delicious, but don't enter me. I have totally given up caffeine. I don't miss the caffeinated coffee, but I do miss my black tea!
    Your black transfer ware is lovely. Blessings, Deborah

  18. Your tea cup set up is so pretty. I love the Bible verse hanging behind it. I would love to enter your giveaway. Thank you so much!

    Love in Christ,

  19. ENTER
    I'd love to try the special warming loose tea . I'm very disappointed with the western sweet tea which I purchased from Amazon a couple of weeks ago.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)