
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Lemon Curd, Cream Scones and Mice!

Hello and welcome to another Teacup Tuesday on a crisp fall day...although I hear it's quite warm elsewhere. The autumn leaf wreath is back on the door, and the leaves are falling around here. Welcome!

I had hoped to do a tea in the sunroom this week...but we have still been dealing with the medical issues and their psychological/physical fallout on my husband...Parkinson's Disease makes it hard to deal with stress, and the news about losing the neurologist and an MRI and cognitive tests ordered for him have taking their toll on his I am just sharing a fall teacup this week...

This is the Autumn cup and saucer made by Royal Doulton, England in the 1980s in the seasonal Brambly Hedge series by Jill Barklem, that I know many of you love as well as I do...

The story of the Brambly Hedge community of mice is so beautifully illustrated...with such charming detail.   I discovered the books in England when they were first published, and was a devoted fan from then on! This is what is said about it on the box of the teacup:

That is so true for the little world of Brambly Hedge! Indeed a special place!

For more info on the Brambly Hedge fall teacup at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

I wanted to share some of my favorite fall photos from the September/October 2008 issue of Victoria Magazine, my most favorite subscription.

I have pumpkins on the brain...because they are everywhere right now, also because I am planning some pumpkin cashew coconut curry from a recipe in Sunset magazine!

This next photo I found is so fun because the cat is exactly like my Tinker...even down to the white whiskers! I didn't know he had previously been a model before we adopted him....

And perfect for a fall tea, I did make some scones last week, and some simple lemon curd to go with them, because it just seemed sort of seasonal to me...

I sort of adapted a Cream Scone recipe from Tea Time magazine which you see below...that's their photo...

Which you can find here...

Tea Time magazine Cream Scones

When we used to have our bricks-and-mortar antiques and tea items store, this was the lemon curd we Thursday Cottage...a brand we discovered in Cornwall, England and imported. They have grown considerably since the 1980s and 1990s, and you can find them more places. It is delicious!  Photo below is from the company website...

But I sometimes make lemon curd, and so am sharing my microwave Lemon Curd recipe, which is great on scones, crumpets, muffins, as cake or pie filling, on ice cream, pancakes and even makes an interesting tea sandwich! This recipe is quick and good, and came from a 1989 Sunset magazine....

Microwave Lemon Curd

8 tbs unsalted butter
grated peel of 3 large lemons
1/2 cup lemon juice
3 large eggs
1 cup granulated sugar

In microwave safe bowl, melt butter. In a separate bowl whisk together the eggs, sugar, lemon peel and juice until well blended. Whisk in the melted butter. Microwave on high 4-6 minutes, whisking often, until thick enough to coat a wooden spoon.
Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month...the recipe says that, mine is always long gone before that!

Photo source for above: Pinterest, below is some of the fall decor I have put up on my china cabinet...

Thanks so much for joining me for tea!  Here are some blog parties to visit...I won't be linking this week...more tests, doctor visits, kids coming, and then some traveling to see our daughter and family for a bit of a break from doctors, etc....

Here is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and I do read every one if I can find and can get to you to visit!  If you comment from Google+…it isn’t forgive me if I am not replying to comments you so kindly leave...I am trying!  Have a great day and have a cuppa tea with a friend!


  1. I am so sorry about your husband's health news and situation. You have a lot on your plate. Please know I am thinking of and praying for you.

    Your tea cup and history is always fun and interesting! I love Tea Time magazine and Victoria. I haven't the recent issue of Victoria yet but plan on picking one up soon. The scone recipe is just what I am looking for! Thank you for including it.
    Wishing you the strength and grace to do all you will be doing this week....

  2. Sorry to hear that your hubby's not doing well lately. I hope that your new neurologist will help him with his health issues.

    What a charming teacup! I only found out about the Brambly Hedge series from other bloggers. I've also never tried lemon curd with scones. Perhaps, it's not as common north of the border.

    Thank you for hosting and enjoy the family visits.

  3. Dear Ruth,
    I am so sorry your husband is having such a trial with his health. A very good friend of ours, also a retired pastor, is having a lot of issues with his Parkinsons too and it is heart breaking! I will pray for your beloved hubby, Ruth, and for you.
    I love your Brambly Hedge teacup. I am so enamoured of that series. They always rekindle some lovely memories for me when I was a little girl. Victoria is a favourite of mine as well. Thank you for sharing and take care, my friend.


  4. Hi Ruth: I am so sorry about your husband. I know how hard this must be for him as well as you. I will keep you both in my prayers. Love the cup you shared today. Your cups are always amazing. Sending love, Martha

  5. Very cute cup. I loved your post and the Fall Photo's.
    I'd love you to come over and link your party at my party!
    Come over and let's party together!
    Happy Fall!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your husband's health issues Ruth. I will pray.
    Such yummy sounding food, with the pumpkin coconut curry and the scones and lemon curd. We love lemon curd so much I really should try and make it.
    The Brambly Hedge cup is adorable. Blessings, Deborah

  7. Beautiful fall post, Ruth, and as always, very informative. Hope your hubby's medical situation is better soon.

  8. That wreath is gorgeous! Love the cup too ♥

  9. Hi Ruth,
    You must be weary with worry Dear Ruth. I do hope you hubby's health improves and he gets the help he needs. You are such a good wife. Your Brambly Hedge teacup is so sweet. Blessings, Karen

  10. Dear Ruth:
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful posting and I too enjoyed this issue of Victoria with much inspiration!

  11. Also: Prayers for strength to face each challenge as it comes!

  12. Ohh! Two of my favorites! Brambly Hedge and Victoria! Thanks for hosting!

  13. I've always liked the Brambly Hedge series and autumn is my favourite season.
    Prayers for your husband Ruth.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)