
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Centennary Of The Battle Of The Somme in the First World War

This is NOT a tea related post...but a history moment made a bit personal from my husband... this is the Tower Of London poppy for each soldier who dies in the First World read a previous post, go HERE

July 1st was the centennary of the Battle Of The of the bloodiest as well as the first battles, as British and French soldiers went over the top of trenches to battle the Germans....and 19,240 British soldiers may remember from Downton Abbey when similar battles were depicted...

For some of you have followed this blog, you may remember my husband was a member of the Coldstream of the Queen's regiments of 5 units that you see in rotation guarding Buckingham Palace and Saint James Palace in London in their red coats and bearskin hats...

This is my husband in the middle in his regimental photo for the 1950s...and he tells me that the Coldstream Guards were in the middle of the campaign and won 13 Victoria crosses for extreme bravery...the most won by a regiment that commemorated by their being 13 studs on their to never be forgotten.

All over Britain yesterday, thousands of actors dressed in World War I uniforms appeared at stations and transit hubs all over Britain...and cards were given out bearing the names of those who lost their lives...

For an article with more photos and videos of it all visit HERE


  1. The Poppy Exhibit is an amazing sight and a beautiful tribute to those soldiers! Your husband is a handsome man dressed in his uniform. I've heard many stories from my English born uncle and your post is a lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing and Happy 4th of July, Ruth!


  2. What touching tributes they had! Thanks for sharing this bit of history and the great photos!


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