
Friday, May 27, 2016

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Memorial Day, US Zone Teacup


Hello and welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea. Today I am thanking those who have sacrificed so much at home and away for the freedoms we often take for granted...

Memorial Day was also called Decoration Day...when graves were decorated as signs of respect and remembrance...

Needless to say, finding a suitable teacup for today was difficult...but I have a US Zone Bayereuther, Germany that I hope will it was made during the aftermath and re building of Germany after World War II. The partitiion took place from 1945-1949, and this was made in the zone assigned to the you can see from this map...from wikipedia

So, it really I consider the teacup to be an historical reminder of that period...

The teacup is in a demitasse, or after dinner coffee size, and is such a sweet floral!  It has a lot of hand painted gold detailing too.

As you can see, the cup and saucer is clearly marked US Zone, and the pottery is Bayreuther in Bavaria, Germany...a newer version of the older Bayreuth established in 1713 and closed in 1852 that began in the 1890s and was also called Bayreuth, although the official name is Erste Bayreuther Porzellanfabrik Walkure Seigmund Paul Meyer. After surviving the war, they reinvented themselves with help from the allies and by 2008 were considered one of the best quality potters 10 ten suppliers of hotel china. This is their current mark...which I saw on some china in Canada recently and a nice restaurant...

Thanks for joining my for tea today.  Wishing you a lovely weekend with time to sit with a cup of tea and remember.....and time to build new, happier memories with those you love! Joining...

Here is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and I do read every one, and can find you to visit! Thanks so much for joining me for tea!


  1. Happy Memorial Day, dearest Ruth, and Happy Cuppa Tea too, thanks for hosting me, sweet friend !

    Hope you had a lovely week I'm wsishing you most wonderful days to come, sending my dearest love to you


  2. A very nice memorial tribute. I am not a hot tea drinker, but love the cups.

  3. I love the vintage postcards and your darling cup and saucer. I do like a cup of tea or iced tea as well.

    Your memorial Day tribute is lovely. Happy weekend to you and yours.

  4. Happy Memorial Day, Ruth! Your teacup and saucer is really sweet. A nice tribute too for the holiday. Thanks for sharing and hosting and enjoy your weekend.


  5. What a lovely teacup! I found the historical background on the Bareuther Bavaria pottery interesting as I have a trio set by Bareuther Wadsassen. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  6. Your images for Memorial Day are just so dear, Ruth, and your teacup is so dainty and pretty. Happy Memorial Day to you and thanks for hosting!

  7. Lovely post on Decoration Day! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Hi Ruth,
    Your German teacup is divine! Happy Memorial Day and Thank you for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea! Blessings, Karen

  9. Your teacup is beautiful, Ruth and yes, it qualifies....Christine

  10. Ruth, what a beautiful pattern! And it just so happens to go right along with my link today -- a German cookie.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)