
Monday, December 21, 2015

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, My Tea Is For The Birds!

Hello my dear tea friends...I didn't think I'd see you this week for Tuesday Cuppa Tea! The last few weeks have been so stormy, windy and filled with multiple power outages, I thought it was just another one when I woke up Saturday ready to finish my blog...with no internet or phone. But it kept on...and on. Finally today at 4:30 pm it was restored...which is why I am late...and it wasn't caused by the wind or storms...a rat had gotten into the fiber optic main building and merrily begun shredding fiber optic cables! a tech world, a decidedly low tech critter can bring everything screeching to a halt. I was just glad it wasn't the week before because of all the Christmas orders from the shops that had to be in the mail to reach their destinations before the big day. The folks who ordered over the weekend knew they wouldn't be in time anyway, so no panic ensued. Whewww...glad THAT's over!

My tea has not been processed well because I couldn't get access to the photos, but here is my birds tea. I seem to have collected quite a few bird mugs over the years, and I know you have seen some already. But...they are favorites this time of year!

This is my Emma Bridgewater Robin in a Christmas wreath Happy Christmas mug...I LOVE her pottery....and I love the Cheeky Chappie English Robins!

This is from her Birds line...

This next mug is by Dunoon, England in the Robin again by artist Richard Partis in the Season's Greetings set of 3...and I know you have seen this as I have shared this of my favorites.

And then there is my Emma Bridgewater cup and saucer in the Robin Folk print...

Goes so well with the rest of the flock! And this year I found this Lenox, USA teapot in the Winter Greetings pattern with a Cardinal on it to keep the robin's company!

The birds live in a closet most of the year, but I love to have them all out during the holidays.

 I borrowed a neighbor's bundt pan in a Christmas tree shape, and made a Lemon Cranberry cake and it was delicious! Have you done baking? I don't dare do a lot because it's only the 2 of us, and you can only give so much to the neighbors! Lol!

We are heading for Victoria, BC for Christmas this year, so will post about that later. I bet it will include tea!

I wish you all the most wonderful Christmas this year...may your hearts be filled with love, light, hope, grace and His love as we celebrate Christ's birth.

Below is the list of some of the blog parties I will be part of and there is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and can find you to visit!


  1. Dear Ruth:
    I am so glad you got your electricity, etc straightened out. These things can drive us nuts. For months now our computer screen would just go black and then come back on after a while. It was driving us crazy so we finally went and bought a new screen. Honestly, it's wonderful when things work and when they don't - oh boy! Your cake turned out wonderful. You are the 3rd person I've seen using one of these and it is very special. I have never seen one. What a great cake. All those mugs are darling and I always love the Red Robin and the legend. I wish you a Merry Christmas Ruth!

  2. Those mugs for the birds are gorgeous and that cake, well, yummyyyyy!!!!!
    Thank you for hosting yet again, such a lovely tea party.
    Merry Christmas and many blessings.

  3. Hi Ruth, so glad you're up and at'em! Silly ol' rat! Cute post with all the birds. You know the robin has a few legends for why it has a red breast don't you? One is connected with the tradition of the burning of the Yule log during the 12 days of Christmas. The robin was believed to have first carried fire to the earth, thus its connection to the Yule log. As the story goes, in the process the robin singed its breast and forever after had a red breast.

    And for those who preferred the religious connection, the robin was said to have plucked a thorn from Christ's crown, accidentally pricking its breast and staining it forever.
    So whatever the belief, the robin could not be omitted from the Christmas decorations of the Victorians.
    Thanks so much for hosting and have a blessed and happy Christmas!

  4. Oh I just love your birds - cups and real ones. And the tree bundt cake is the cutest thing. I can see that I must start getting some clever cake pans. I've done lots of baking - tonight we frost the gingerbread pigs and the sugar cut-out cookies - tomorrow we make up baskets for friends and family.

  5. I do love the English robin, Ruth! How I would love to see a real one! You have a wonderful collection of bird mugs and the Lennox teapot is lovely too with the cardinal motif. I love those birds too. We lost our power last night for four and a half hours. It's no fun at night in the wintertime on the east coast without power for any length of time. I'm glad I wasn't in the middle of making my donuts when it happened! Those will get made either tonight or tomorrow. Enjoy your Christmas in Victoria and Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, dear friend!


  6. Lemon cranberry cake -- yum! Love your tea for the birds -- very clever and cute. Merry Christmas!

  7. Thank goodness that your power and internet were restored before the holidays. Someone posted on FB that it was exactly 2 years ago today that we had the ice storm that lefts hundreds of thousands in Ontario without power for days.

    Your bird collection made me smile. I'm a huge fan of Emma Bridgewater and hope Santa will bring me one of her teacups or teapots one day. Hee! Thank you for hosting and have a Merry Christmas!

  8. Yea for your power being restored, Ruth! Your birdie tea with all the pretty mugs, your teacup and teapot is perfect! I have that same bundt pan and made a cake for Christmas Eve and it's in the freezer. Thank you for hosting and Merry Christmas blessings to you!

  9. I am so happy to see you back connected again. We lost power recently due to an escaped weather balloon and it was so frustrating until we got it back. I loved seeing the Emma Bridgewater tea cups. I do love them.

  10. Hi Ruth! Well, I'm a new fan of Emma Bridgewater--loved the folk robin. Such delightful birds featured this week. I'm excited to have a teatime post this week--and will have another next week, too, as I'm hosting again! Joy to you as you celebrate the season in Canada--traveling mercies and hope you keep power! Did that nasty little rat get frazzed?

  11. Hi Ruth,
    I am late to connect and wasn't sure if your power would be back on. Love those birdie mugs. I have always loved cardinals and robins. My hubby's name is Robin. Lol. Have a Very Merry Christmas Dear Ruth! Blessings! Karen


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)