
Sunday, October 4, 2015

No Tuesday Cuppa Tea this week :(

I am sorry, but no Tuesday Cuppa Tea this week, my husband has bronchitis and we or I have spent the last 3 days in doctor's offices, labs and pharmacies. It is complicated by his Parkinson's Disease, so I haven't been able to find the time to get the photos of the tea for my post downloaded and ready. Good thing is...I am therefore ahead for next Tuesday! So join me then...but be sure to visit these other tea related linky parties:


  1. Sending good healthy wishes that your husband feels better soon.

  2. I am so sorry! Prayers for you both! My husband suffers with this from time to time and it is no fun.

  3. God bless you and your hubby, Ruth. May your hubby get well soon from his bout from bronchitis.

  4. Ruth, I'm sorry your hubby's isn't well. What an ordeal for you both. Don't worry about your meme, we will all be here when you get back. Meanwhile, take care and I will be praying for you both.

    Blessings & hugs,

  5. Ruth:
    So sorry for this situation and praying for him and you!

  6. Sorry to hear about your husband's illness. Hope he feels better soon!

  7. Hope your hubby feels better. Just give him you tlc and don't worry about the party....Christine

  8. So sorry to hear this, and I will be praying for your husband's bronchitis to go away! I had that frequently when I was in college and felt like I couldn't breathe sometimes, so I have great sympathy for that particular affliction!

  9. Oh Ruth,
    I do wish him a speedy recovery. There are some nasty germs out there right now. Praying for you both. Take care, Karen


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)