
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Brit Stuff - Prince George's Birthday, Swan Upping - Princess Charlotte Mugs

This is a bit of a Brit stuff potpourri today....July 20th...marks the start of the five-day ‪#‎SwanUpping‬ ceremony, 

marks the start of the five-day ‪#‎SwanUpping‬ ceremony, led by The Queen's Swan Marker.
The historic ceremony dates back to the 12th Century, when the Crown claimed ownership of all mute swans.

In the Swan Upping ceremony, the Swan Markers identify, weigh, and health check cygnets before releasing them. The Swan Upper advises organisations throughout the UK on swan welfare, and works with fishing and boating organisations, helping them work with existing wildlife and maintaining the swans' natural habitat.

Children from local schools are invited every year to watch the ceremony so they too can learn how to protect the local swan population.  We were in the area one year during the Swan-upping on one of our annual UK visits, and quite a few folks were present to see it. These photos are from the UK Press Assoc.   For more info, click on the link below:

And today, July 22, is Prince George's birthday...he is 2 years old today.

These photos of Prince George were taken at the christening of little sister Princess Charlotte by the couple's favorite photographer Mario Testino.

Brother and cute! Princess Charlotte was born on May 2, 2015

And just wanted to let you know that the Princess Charlotte baby mugs I had ordered from Adderley, England arrived yesterday and are now available at Antiques And Teacups....with a photo of Princess Charlotte with her parents and a dedication on the back in pink and lavender on English bone china.

For more info, click on the photos...

So that's it for today. The marine layer is in, it's cooler and life is so much more enjoyable without the heat we are just not used to. Have a wonderful day! Oh...we are advertising in Romantic Homes Magazine, part of a coop ad with Shabby Lane Shops that is now available at!


  1. The Prince and baby sister Princess are simply too adorable! What a happy family!

  2. It's hard to believe he is 2 years old already, isn't it? Enjoy your week! I'll look for you nice! Hugs, Diane

  3. Hi Ruth, I had never heard of the Swan Upping, but that is so interesting. Prince George and baby sister certainly are sweet! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  4. I so enjoyed learning about the Swan Upping ceremony! And of course those photos of Prince George are just so, so precious!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)