
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Congratulations! A new Princess!

I am posting this to wish the best of good wishes to Prince William and Catherine, Duchess Of Cambridge on the birth of their second child...

This was Catherine's last public appearance with her husband at a community center in London on Mar 27th...I am away from home and my iPad isn't allowing me to post photos or anything....but it's a GIRL!

Born today, May 2nd. A relatively easy birth. William has jut left to pick up Brother George. Don't expect a name for a week or so...but the UK bookies are favoring Victoria, Alexandra, Elizabeth and Charlotte. We'Ll have to wait and see.....

The baby was born

What better way for me to celebrate than with a cup of wishes!


  1. I love the name they've picked -- Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. Perfect!

  2. So very excited. Love her name. Was hoping Diana would be included. What a beautiful, beautiful family and isn't Kate amazing? Now, I can't wait to see what china will be produced to commemorate her birth. I will tune in here because I bet you will find some. I am on the search...Ruthie

    1. Hi RuthIe! Sorry I am so late responding to you visit…wild with visits and visitors…but pretty much back to normal. My iPad wouldn’t let me respond or see comments and links…sigh…ah technology! I am certainly trying to get some china for the baby indeed! Can't find away to ablog, so replying here.Have a wonderful week!

  3. Hi Ruth,
    What a perfect teacup to celebrate! Welcome Baby princess!

  4. yes, AND should it come to it, she's in line for the throne.

  5. great content! happy mothers day I found your blog on google and loved reading it greatly. It is a great post indeed. Much obliged to you and good. keep it up..


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)