
Friday, September 19, 2014

United Kingdom IS Still United

It's official! The historic vote is in, and Scotland is to remain part of the United Kingdom!

I have yet to hear Queen Elizabeth's address about the vote...she is actually in Balmoral, Scotland on her annual holiday...but it will be strengthening and gracious. Many different issues that have been hotly debated, and have been divisive. Hope that will heal. A political cartoon of the last few days from cartoonist Pat Bagley sums up the thoughts leading to todays vote...


  1. That cake is magnificent, and the cartoon is certainly appropriate!

  2. Being Canadian and with roots in both countries, I was pleased with the vote results, although it was rather a close one and I'm sure will come up for debate in the future. We have a similar issue with the province of Quebec wanting to separate from Canada and become independent many years ago and they are still with us although the word separation is rearing it's ugly head again. Love the cartoon at the end. :-)


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