
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Burns Night, New Royal Birth, Family Break, Rose Chintz Cottage Anniversary

Hello and welcome to my honey is watching our local Seahawks play the 49ers, so I figured I'd do my post for Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

As is often the case, this is a mixed bag of things! This week includes January 25th, the birthday of Scotland's most famous author and poet Robert Burns, so I have a Scottish theme for my teacup. I think I shared this once before, but I love it and it's apropos, so....

This is a Shelley, England cup and saucer in the Thistle pattern and in the Cambridge shape made between 1955 and the closure of the pottery in 1966. Thistle and tartan are such quintessential Scottish themes, and Shelley paid homage to them with this pretty teacup!

Shelley was great at giving patterns and versions a number kept in pattern books. This is pattern number 13820. If you have the pattern books you can look it up and find out if any other info was given, which I really appreciate. For more info on the Thistle teacup at Antiques And Teacups,  just click on the photos.

The Scottish Thistle seemed so appropriate with it being Robert Burns birthday. Burns was born in Ayrshire on January 25, 1759 and lived in the cottage below....which is a popular destination. 

There are loads of souvenirs associated with him. Below is a tea towel I got years ago honoring Robert Burns with one of my favorite quotes at the bottom...

The poem says:
Then let us pray that come what may
As come it will for a' that...
That man to man the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a'that.

As a way to celebrate Robert Burns birthday, Burns Night is celebrated in many places where whiskey flows and haggis is eaten and generally both the poet and Scots ancestry is celebrated. 

So Happy Birthday to Robert Burns!

In a bit of Royal news, on January 17th, Zara and Mike Tindall presented Queen Elizabeth II with her 4th great grandchild, who is 16th in line for the throne. Zara is the daughter of Princess Anne and Mark Phillips. Congratulations!

And as stage royalty, Maggie Smith received the SAG or Screen Actor's Guild award as best female actor for her roll as Violet, the Dowager Countess of Grantham in Downton Abbey. No surprise there...that woman could NEVER be upstaged!

And the last bit of royal news, artist Andrew Leipzig released this stunning portrait of Queen Elizabeth II as Wonder apt title, I think, last year to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee. I found it by chance in a BBC photo archive of the celebrations. Marvelous!

I  wanted to let you know that I will be on a blog break for the next 2 weeks, because our out of state son and daughter in law and our 23 year old grandson are flying in on Saturday. We haven't seen him in 2-3 years, so we are very excited! He is a real outdoorsman and a fishing fanatic, so we will be kept busy finding things of interest to him. So...I figured the best thing is to have a break so we can try to keep up with them! I hope to be back on the blog for the Feb. 10th post...but it will be late because of them flying out, etc, and the scheduled post I tried last didn't work. So...I'll be back soon...I apologize in advance if I am late visiting or returning your comments...

I will be joining Sandi at Rose Chinz Cottage for her special 4th anniversary make sure to go visit. I have a linky below for your tea related posts and a list of some of the blogs I hope to visit this week.

Teacup Tuesday
Teatime Tuesday
Tea With Celia
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Tea On Tuesday
Miss Kathy ~
Tuesday Tea
 Just A Little Southern Hospitality ~
Tea On Tuesday
Tea On Tuesday
Time For Tea
Tuesday Tea Time
Tea On Tuesday
Bernideen’s ~
Tea In The Garden Tuesday
Lavender Cottage  Tea Time
Tea In Texas
Playing With My Camera Teatime           
Tuesday Blog Shop
Poetry In A Pot Of Tea

What’s It Wednesday                                           
Home On Wednesday
 Coloradolady  ~
Vintage Thingie Thursday
 Mrs. Olson ~
Share Your Cup Thursday
Tea Time Thursday
Pink Saturday


  1. Hello Ruth,
    Love your Shelley 'Thistle' teacup and I've always enjoyed Robbie Burns' poetry. I had a Literature teacher in high school who painted the most romantic picture of him, so he was always a favourite. You have the most interesting news and facts in your posts. Thank you for joining me for my 4th Anniversary Tea Party. It's always a pleasure to have you, my friend. And enjoy the break with your son. Family is precious!


  2. What an interesting post Ruth with lots of information and interesting things to talk about! That is a pretty Shelley cup and saucer. I am happy for Maggie Smith too! Very fun posting!

  3. Always an educational visit with you Ruth and I love what you have to share each week. The thistle teacup is pretty, and although we usually attend the annual Robbie Burns local dinner, we were unable to be there this year.
    Maggie Smith is fantastic in her role and always wears the most amazing costumes.
    Enjoy the break as you spend time with family, and thanks for hosting.

  4. I enjoyed your Scottish posting today, since I have a bit of Scottish in my blood. I have a tea cup with the thistle though am not lucky enough to have found a "Shelley." Always on the lookout for them. Thanks for the treat!

  5. Lots of fun stuff here today! And I hope you have a great family visit -- see you when you get back!

  6. Hi Ruth. I enjoyed your post today and your beautiful thistle teacup. I think I have two thistle teacups but in a different pattern, more on the mauve side. One is rather small, like a demitasse, and is Royal Albert's Brigadoon. I can't see the other one in the cupboard without moving things. lol There is a Robert Burns statue on the green in downtown Fredericton. That certainly is an interesting portrait of Queen Elizabeth as Wonder Woman!! I wonder if she has seen it. :) Enjoy your time with your family and your blog break. Blessings, Pamela

  7. Hi Ruth,
    Happy Birthday to Robbie Burns! I love Queen Elizabeth as Wonder Woman! Your Shelley teacup is lovely today~ the pink trim and thistle are so very pretty! Thank you for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea! You will be missed for the next two weeks but do enjoy your time with your grandson and family! Take care,

  8. Dearest Ruth it is always a delight to visit - You share such wonderful information - I'm always learning something. Your teacup is lovely and its thistle is lovely. happy week my friend, hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  9. Hi Ruth, I enjoyed your celebration for Burns and the lovely thistle teacup. I love thistle teacups -- wonder why??!! Enjoy your time with family. Thanks for hosting. Happy Tea Day!

  10. Hi Ruth, The thistle teacup is lovely! I heard on the Today show that Prince Charles is taking on more official duties now. They hastened to say the Queen is not ill and there appear to be no plans whatsoever for her to leave the throne. You are so knowledgeable about all things British. Enjoy your family's visit!

  11. Love the thistle teacup and Scottish history as we are of Scottish heritage. I heard a story that the thistle was the official flower of Scotland because during some clan war, someone from an opposing clan sat down on a thistle (I guess it got him under his kilt!), he shouted in pain and gave away their position. Do you know if that's a true story? Anyway, thanks for hosting, and have a good time with your family.

  12. Hi Ruth!!!

    I'm from a Scottish family and love anything Scottish!!! I love the Thistle teacup!! You display it beautifully!!

    I'm just north of you in Vancouver, BC and was out at a restaurant that was watching the game on all their TVs and saw the last 20 minutes of it. What a win!!!!! We view Seattle as a 2nd home. We just love it!!!

    Have a great visit with your family!!


  13. Hi Ruth: Have a wonderful time on your visit. We will miss you. Love that tea cup today. Blessings, Martha

  14. Hi Ruth,
    Enjoy your time off with your family! I love the pic of Queen Elizabeth as WW!

  15. Wonderful Burns post! I love the tea cup you picked out for his birthday. Thistle tea cups are so gorgeous!
    Oh how exciting you will see your grandson! Yay! Enjoy your two weeks off blogging too.

  16. Beautiful post, Ruth! So exciting to have your son and DIL soon. Enjoy your time with them. Love your teacup, so pretty....Christine

  17. Hello- Enjoyed the thistle teacup. You posts are always so interesting! Enjoy time with your family! Have a lovely week :)

  18. LOVE your thistle teacup! And thanks for sharing the wonderful pics about Robert Burns and all. Scotland has been on my bucket list for many years! Enjoy your family time.
    PS right on about Maggie Smith!

  19. Love the thistle teacup, so very pretty! Thank you for this inetresting and fun post, I so enjoyed it. Thank you for the lovely party too.

  20. I just had to comment that your tea party button has my favorite dainty blue tea cup in it :) If you visit my blog you'll see it on my header.

  21. Blessings, Ruth! Always a winner with a Shelley cup - and your Scottish thistle is truly beautiful! We're big Scots fans here and I love Burn's quote you shared. January 25 is my mom's birthday - been without her for ten years this year. Love all the Brit new, too - so fun! Do enjoy the time with your family. I expect you'll be sharing some great pics on FB - see you there!

  22. Beautiful Shelley teacup in the Thistle pattern. I have a Foley trio in the Glengarry Thistle pattern. I'm told Foley was bought by Shelley. Is that true? My hubby and I went to a Robert Burns dinner when we were in Scotland, but I passed on the Haggis!
    Enjoy your blogging break with your family. ~ Phyllis

  23. A very enjoyable post. But your always are - and I always learn some thing! Incidentally, I found a quaint Scottish serving piece this week . Serendipity! best wishes for your family visit.

  24. FuN post, Ruth - sorry to have missed you - have a FaB time!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)