
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fall Continues...First Snows on the Olympics, Railroad Bridge Park, Shelley Heather

Hi there! Fall is certainly here...and the Olympic Mountains of Olympic National Park just south of us have their first significant snowfall...

We had a break in the clouds a few days ago...before this major wind, rain and mountain snow event, and went to a favorite place for an autumn walk...Railroad Bridge park on the Olympic Discovery Trail, here in Sequim.

The area encompasses riverside walking trails, and old disused trestle railroad bridge that used to move timber from the Olympic Mountains to mills in Sequim and other communities that has been converted to foot, horseback and bike traffic only as part of the Discovery trail which circumnavigates (or will when totally finished) the Olympic Peninsula.

The old beams and supports are huge!

The bridge crosses the Dungeness River which goes from the Olympic Maountains to the shores of Puget Sound and the Dungeness Spit which gave it's name to Dungeness Crab.  There is some tie way back to settlers from Dungeness Scotland.

It's a fabulous walk all year round. The fall salmon runs had just finished, and when we were there to see camera card was full!Rats! But we enjoy the fall walks among the big trees with their huge leaves. was a lovely walk, then home for a cup of tea!

I found a Shelley Heather teacup with a bridge...should have had my tea in that I guess!

For more info on the teacup at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos. 

And remember, we are still having our NEAT NOV coupon 15% off sale at Antiques And Teacups and Antiques And Teacups At Etsy!

I am joining the following blog parties. Please visit and enjoy, and have a great weekend!

Home On Wednesday
 Coloradolady  ~
Vintage Thingie Thursday
 Mrs. Olson ~
Share Your Cup ThursdayBeverley ~


  1. Thank you for a very enjoyable tour of places I would never see otherwise. Nice post.

  2. Lovely tour, Ruth, and your teacups are lovely too. The one with the rose buds is so sweet and of course, I adore anything with a pastoral scene. Thank you for sharing at my HOME and have a wonderful weekend.


  3. Amazing scenery! HPS Spring greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  4. Lovely shots of the northern hemisphere season! The leaves are awesome and the teacups are just so cute.

  5. I do hope I get to visit the Pacific Northwest in person! So beautiful…your pictures of the park are lovely!

  6. the commercial and the china! Beautiful!
    Enjoy your Sunday!

  7. Thank you for sharing this beautiful tour. That really is one big leaf. Nothing like a warm cup of tea after a fall walk. You picked the perfect set for Fall! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)