
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tuesdsay Cuppa Tea, Royal Albert Rosebud Swags, Breakfast For Tea

Hello and welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

So many fun things to share this week! First of all, I'll share my teacup choice this week...a Royal Albert Crown China teacup trio. Royal Albert Crown China was, of course the older version and mark of our well known and well loved Royal Albert. 

This lovely hand painted rosebud swag pattern was made at the end of the Edwardian period, about 1910 and you can certainly see the delicate and lovely Edwardian sensibility. I can just see the girls having tea using this china at Downton Abbey. I just love it!  Royal Albert Crown and Royal Albert were made by Thomas Wild & Sons, and the Crown was dropped from the Royal Albert name in the 1930s. A wonderful company. Royal Albert was acquired by Royal Doulton in 1990 and is still being made, though most production was moved to Indonesia in 2002. Sigh...
The teacup trio is available at Antiques And Teacups...just click on the photos for more info.

I wanted to share the WONDERFUL gift I won in a giveaway given by Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose.

The fabulous gift was 3 packs of gorgeous hand crafted cut work note cards, a beautiful hand made card, the cutest little owl and the most glorious and warm Fair Isle fringed scarf. And it's been in the 40s, so guess what I've been wearing????   Thanks you Stephanie for your generosity and my cozy neck! If you have a chance, please visit Stephanie and her lovely blog. Gorgeous photographs!

This is a bit different for tea, but...when we were visiting our friend Gloria in Richmond just outside of Vancouver BC recently, she took us to her favorite restaurant for a late lunch, which we called our tea for the day. The restaurant is a bit of a landmark in several parts of Canada and is know for fresh foods and original presentation. I managed to actually remember to take a few photos, which I usually don't do.

The placemat is an explanation of Cora's innovative philosophy with lots of different takes on familiar favorites and some original choices. The restaurant is covered with antiques and quirky little vignettes...most of which I DID forget to photograph. Rats! A fun thing, is watching them cook through a glass wall if you have to wait for a table.

We all ordered breakfast items which are served all day although it was about 3 in the afternoon. I guess it's being on holiday...Anyway, above is my husband's Mushroom Benedict with home fries. Notice the fruit tower in the center. The apples were cut like palm trees.

Next is Gloria's fruit plate with cottage cheese and English muffin bread toast/

And finally my 2 poached eggs with bacon, toast and blueberry crepes. Everything was delicious! For more info on Cors's or to find her other restaurants, go to It was FABULOUS and we plan to eat there each time we visit Gloria.

Also...a quick tea report. I recently found a tin of Assam teabags at Ross from a company called Nottingham that I had never heard of. Feeling adventurous, I bought it, and would like to report it was quite nice. A product of Sri Lanka, the tea is a nice black tea that is very enjoyable, so if you see it...try'll like it!

Here are some of the blogs I will be joining, that you will enjoy visiting as well. Then there is the wonderful linky for your tea related posts. It is so fun to visit you all and see your current tea adventures! Have a lovely day, and don't forget to have a cuppa with a friend!

Monday Marketplace
Teacup Tuesday
Tea Party Tuesday
Teatime Tuesday
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Tea On Tuesday
Miss Kathy ~
Tuesday Tea       
Tea On Tuesday
Tea Tuesday
Tea On Tuesday
Poetry In A Pot Of Tea
Friends Sharing Tea Wednesday
What’s It Wednesday                                           
Home On Wednesday
 A Tea Lover     ~
Tea Talk Wednesday


  1. The breakfasts look like yummy meals fit to fill me for a whole day, giving me plenty of energy to check out any & all things "tea". Looks like you did just that. What a good time you must have had, good company ( #1 blessing) , good food ! The rest must have been icing on the cake.

    The china pattern is beautiful and also looks like a very good pattern for Christmas table settings.The green swags with roses are my Christmas colors and this pattern seem very festive.

    Congratulations on your wins!

  2. I love the Royal Albert pattern. Very delicate. Breakfast looked yummy too.

  3. Hi Ruth,

    Your tea cup is so beautiful and all the food you posted has my tummy growling! The crepe looked quite divine :)

    I hope you have a sweet and blessed week!

    Hugs to you,

  4. Ruth .. what a fabulous teacup set you are sharing. The rose swag is beautiful. Cora's is an absolute gem for breakfast!!! And the story of founder is an inspiration ~ she is incredible!! Wishing you a fabulous day! xo C. (HHL)

  5. Love your RA rosebud swag trio. Gorgeous -- so dainty! I love breakfast and you have made my tummy growl! Congratulations on your winnings -- such fun! The blogging community is so generous. Thanks for hosting!

  6. Good morning Ruth,
    What an exquisite pattern! I don't think I have seen it before. I just love it as it's so dainty. We have a Cora's here in Charlottetown and we love having breakfast there. Delicious menu!
    Thanks for joining me for tea and enjoy your day.


  7. I love the notecards you won! Isn't it fun winning giveaways? I've been fortunate to win several over time myself. The food looks great too, Ruth. Have a great week!

  8. What a gorgeous teacup - love the pattern. Congratulations on your win! It looks lovely - the breakfast looks delicious - such a fun looking place. I appreciate you sharing and hosting,

  9. What a pretty teacup setting! It is so lovely.

  10. The china trio you've shared is pretty. and lucky you with the treasures from the giveaway you won.
    I've been to Cora's a couple of times and they are a nice place for lunch with a friend.

  11. Ruth, I love that teacup. I didn't know that Royal Albert Crown was an earlier version of Royal Albert. I don't think I have any of their teacups but would love to find one like yours. It's so pretty! I love Cora's. What a beautifully presented meal they make. One has to have a big appetite when eating there. Hugs, Pamela

  12. Mmm, Cora's food looks delish! Enjoyed the lesson on dating Royal Albert wares (that was news to me!), and I enjoyed seeing the pretty swag trio, as I love garlands, swags, crescents ... something about the curves, I guess!

  13. What a lovely teacup trio, so pretty!..Christine

  14. What a lovely trio you have! I watched Downtown Abby for the first time here in Florida and I am hooked! We don't get it at home, so will enjoy while here. I've had Nottingham tea before and it is good! Thank you for hosting your party and have a wonderful week!

  15. What a lovely dainty Royal Albert crown china set, so delicate. Love it. Thank you for sharing. God bless...

  16. Hi Ruth,
    I loved this Royal Albert trio! The pattern is so delicate and adorable!
    Decorations with rose garlands always make quite an effect! And yes, it suits the atmosphere of Downton Abbey, an excellent series I also like to follow here in Portugal...
    Thanks for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea and for the lovely post.

  17. The rose bud swag pattern is pure loveliness.

  18. Hi Ruth: What a beautiful tea cup. I love the roses. I am going to email you about something. Thanks, Martha

  19. Hello Ruth, Your Royal Albert Crown China cup is very pretty, the flower boughs really give it a romantic feel. I love seeing the backstamp with Crown! I haven't come across a cup like this yet.
    Your winnings are amazing! That was very generous of her, and timely with the scarf!
    Cora's restaurant sounds very interesting. The food certainly looks delicious!

  20. Hi Ruth..what a fabulous cup..gorgeous and very the swag pattern !Love all of the info you share..intriguing! yay..beautiful treasures you have won..enjoy! Happy tea..thankyou for hosting!

  21. HiRuth,
    Royal Albert is simply the best. Tea does taste better in their cups.

    And delicious food as well!


  22. What a beautiful China pattern! Your give-away presents look delightful!
    sandy ; )


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)