
Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Queen's Christmas Message from Sandringham

I just had to share this outstanding message from Queen Elizabeth II from Sandringham. We love to listen each year, but this one was truly wonderful. Especially as Prince Philip is still in hospital after heart surgery on Friday. 


  1. Oh Ruth,

    That was a formidable speech and it just warms my soul to hear such a high-profiled person such as the queen to SAY HIS NAME, TO REFER to HIM as THE SAVIOR! Thank you for visiting NOWHERE, where a sweet spirit of great friendship has developed over the years through blogging with individuals who truly have a graceful spirit of play, joy, and most of all, LOVE.

    I have seen you at my husband's blog; please come by my main blog, CASTLES CROWNS AND COTTAGES.


  2. thanks for sharing and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Yes Ruth, won't it be amazing who we will meet up HOME?????

    Have a wonderful day. Thank you for visiting Castles! Anita

  4. Oh, Ruth - What a lovely and non-politically correct message the Queen shared this year! Thank you for posting it! I was so blessed to hear her give God the glory boldly and fearlessly. Wish it were so on this side of the pond with our own powers that be . . . meantime - off to prepare my tea post about all the tea related gifts I received this year! Blessings!

  5. I am speechless...I've never heard the Queen speak and I can truly say I am quite impressed! Oh to have a leader who would so openly and unashamedly proclaim the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. I was amazed at her speech. Being new to your blog via a friend's blog, Denise at Count it All Joy", I must say you have a very unique blog. I will enjoy becoming a follower. My two hobbies are quilting and "all things tea". May I wish you Warm New Year's Blessings for 2012
    Gmama Jane


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)