
Friday, December 30, 2011

Dec. 30th Antique New Year Postcard, Winter at Prince Edward Island from Coastal Living

Goodness but it's getting close! Today is Friday Dec. 30th...amazing! Pouring here, but it is the Pacific Northwest! Here is my antique New Year postcard for today:

This is a card with few words that communicates so well. Peace for your New Year. The card was postmarked for Boston, NY for Dec. 30, 1913 and mailed to Hamburg, NY. I love the snow scene with the deer. lovely!

Any big plans for the  weekend or for Friday night? We will be staying in out of the rain today...was at Costco to change cell carriers yesterday...that's always a challenging make the right decision!

For more info on the antique postcard at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photo.

I have several blog friends from Prince Edward Island in Canada and came across a great photo essay of that gorgeous place from Coastal Living magazine that I thought you might be interested in. There is also a blog post on Time Was Antiques Family blog which includes a review of an English cozy mystery called Murder At Sandringham House written by an author from Prince Edward Island from a great series. Too fun!

More photos from the article:

Have a wonderful day, savor the end of the year, and have a cuppa tea with a friend!


  1. What a wonderful post, Ruth. I love the picture of the chickadee!
    Yes, PEI is beautiful and one is thankful to be living here, although I feel differently in the middle of a snow storm.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with many blessings...Sandi

  2. I always enjoy seeing some of the beauty from your part of the world. Great photos.

  3. Oh the antique postcards are such fun! And I love the picture of the little chickadee on the ice-glazed limb. So sweet! I've always wanted to visit PEI; perhaps that should be on my bucket list for 2012! Enjoy the last Saturday of 2011! :)

  4. Milady Ruth! Such a lovely greeting this new year's eve - and the photos of a winter wonderland in the magical realms of PEI are stunning!

    Thank you for your encouraging comments about Constellation Academy! Yes - it is the desire of my heart to fully blossom in all that the Lord has planted within me - and to share His good gifts with others - in my case - home school families seeking a Christ centered education for their children.

    The Lord's will be done!

  5. Hi. I have just comme back from my cousin in north Hartley in Canada. I saw little chickadees. Delightful.. I also saw a red cardinal. Beautiful.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)