
Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Laugh for Sunday Morning, News From Local Business For Twilight Fans

I just had to share this cute comic from our newspaper from the comic strip called Tundra. A new Far Side I think:

Gave me a chuckle before we went to church.

And on a totally divergent note...this is for fans of the Twilight books and movies that are set here locally on the Olympic Peninsula. The fans are known around here as "Twihards" and have been a tremendous boost to the local economy and visit from all over the world.

In the book apparently Edward and Bella go to the Port Angeles restaurant Bella Italia for dinner and Bella has their mushroom ravioli.  Well...Bella Italia announced in our local paper that Bells'a Mushroom Raviloi is now available frozen for take home.

To read the article in our Peninsula Daily News, click on the photo.

Have a lovely day, and have a cuppa tea with a friend!


  1. Laughing my toosh off here...

    Cute,cute, CUTE!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and those you love my friend~


  2. Funny!
    And I am loving that photo of your Grandmother! How wonderful that you have such a prize photo in your possession.

    I agree with you...Portobello Street is "caustrophobic" indeed.
    I guess I can handle crowds fairly well because my husband always takes the "lead" and cuts through them in front of me. He says that I am "too nice." HA!
    I let everyone pass by and wait on them...I live in the South, that's how it works. HA!

    We were in NYC for Christmas 2 years ago and went shopping on "5th Ave" the day AFTER Christmas. You could have picked your feet up and the crowd could have carried you onward. It was that bad.
    I thought our poor Son In Law was going to pass out from it all..he had never been in NYC nor a crowd like that before.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)