
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Teacup Thursday Fuschia Teacup, Blog Break

Good morning and glad you could join me for Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's Blog.  I thought that this pretty fuschia pattern cup and saucer was indicative of late summer around here on the coast where fuschias thrive. I grew up enjoying popping the globular blossoms as a child...naughty, I know...but who could resist???

The bone china teacup was made by Mayfair, England in the 1950s and the shape is a nod to popular shapes from the Regency period which dates to 1795-1837, especially the handle. So elegant. For more info on the fuschia teacup at Antiques And Teacups just click the photo.

This is my screen of our favorite Cotswolds villages in England, Lower Slaughter. That's my honey on the bridge. This was from a couple of years ago, but it was a favorite trip...lots of cream teas and antiquing...what more could a girl ask for??? LOL!

I will be taking a break from blogging for a here, visiting friends, antiquing and generally being away from the computer. I may have time to pop in for a post, but don't know the friends computer capabilities/time availability, etc.  Kind of our last break of the year before the holiday season sets in with a vengeance!   I'll miss all the wonderful posts of my blogging friends but will catch up because I don't want to miss a thing!!!

Have a great day visiting the fabulous teacups with Miss Spenser's Teacup Thursday and happy Labor day weekend. Drive safely whatever you are doing, crazy folks out there on the road!


  1. Wonderful!!!

    I love that!!


  2. I hope you have a WONDERFUL BREAK!

  3. I am delighted that you visited my blog and so happy to see your fuschia tea cup/saucer set. I have never seen a fuschia tea cup before, believe it or not. It's absolutely charming. Usually it's roses or other flowers but never like this one. Hugs and rainbows...Lu

  4. Ruth....I have never seen a teacup with fuschias on it! I have to confess to popping the blossoms open too when my mother wasn't looking. She always had fuschias on the front porch. Pretty teacup.
    Much love, Linda

  5. Your Mayfair fuschia teacup is lovely. The Village of Lower Slaughter looks very pretty. I can see why you use that great photo as your screen saver.

  6. That's a unique pattern, and very special! I also loved popping fuchsias, who didn't? and making snapdragons 'talk.' Enjoy your break, my honey and I are also going to take some time off the last week of September, coming up to the OP!

  7. I've never seen fuschia on a teaset before... It's really quite lovely ....Thanks for sharing ..HUGS

  8. Good morning Ruth,
    Lovely teacup and I adore the cottage! Enjoy your company.



Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)