
Friday, September 23, 2011

Pink Saturday Birdhouse Project, Tinker in the Sunroom

Okay...none of you super crafty folks laugh...because I am sharing a craft project I did for Pink Saturday with How Sweet The Sound. I had an African Violet that needed something to perk it up on our sunroom. As I was in JoAnns Crafts for some odds and ends I saw an unfinished wooden biedhouse church with an attached tray that would just fit the African violet. So I painted it with shingles on the roof and hollyhocks. It makes me laugh every time I see it.  Shingles don't go sideways, did you know??????

Anyway, here it is and don't laugh too hard!!!

Here is a window in the sunroom which used to only have the Victorian stained glass with other things on other window sills which are much lower and go all around 3 sides of the room...until we got our kitten almost 2 years ago. We had to move everything thing to the one high window sill at the end. Got tired of spending a lot of time picking things up off the floor where he on purpose or by accident launched them. Sigh...Oh well...we love him! And the sunroom is his favorite place!

Hope your weekend looks like this....


  1. I think your little church is just right! It's very sweet and your violet looks pretty cozy there.
    As long as YOU like it that is all that matters :)

  2. I think your birdhouse looks great! How did my cat Boots ended up at your house?

  3. Looove the birdhouse church...we had to kitty proof our whole house too.

  4. I'm not laughing at your birdhouse planter - very cute. I just passed up one at a yard sale this morning - very like it - because I simply don't have any place to put it! Hoping to be stretched out like your lovely kitty later today - resting up for the Civil War Ball we're going to tonight. You bet - photos and post following this week!

  5. You did a very nice job on the birdhouse.

  6. Hello! You did a fantastic job on the birdhouse - it looks marvelous next to the African Violet. Thank you for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
    God Bless,

  7. Happy pinkness...Happy Autumn....I am so excited for Fall, I know you are too !!It just makes me want to cozy up...enjoy your week-end!
    God Bless You

  8. what a perfect pot display! well done Ruth =)
    you're a star! HaPpY PS!

  9. Thank you for visiting me, Miss Ruth! I loved reading about your birdie houses and that fiery feisty kitty of yours! :) Tee Heee....

    Yes...prayers matter. xoRebecca


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