
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Teacup Thursday Salisbury Summer Cosmos, T S Eliot on Naming Tea, Sequim Lavender

Welcome to Teacup Thursday With Miss Spenser. Which is a great opportunity to share teacups and talk about tea things.

I am sharing a hand colored on transfer bone china Cosmos design teacup made by Salisbury China, England in the 1930s. I just love the 1930s style of transferred designs that are then artist colored. Each is different, many potteries did it and you feel you can get an individual artist's personality in the way it's done. I love these teacups! 

The cosmos is a favorite summer flower although I have usually grown pink least I assume that's what these are. Their feathery leaves and long stalks seem to be cooling...although since we are now in the pacific northwest we haven't been much above 75 so far this "summer". As one native said...."How was summer last year? Well as I remember, it was on a Thursday."   LOL!  But I'm not complaining...I melt over 85 degrees.

For more info on the Cosmos cup and saucer at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

I found this quote from the writer T S Eliot recently as I was browsing Sandy Clough's book The Art Of Tea And Friendship while having a scone and afternoon tea in our sunroom with my Honey:

The naming of teas is a difficult matter,
It isn't just one of your everyday games--
Some might think you are mad as a hatter
Should you tell them each goes by several names.
For starters each tea in this world must belong
To the families of Black or Green or Oolong;
Then look more closely at these family trees--
Some include Indians along with Chinese.
T S Eliot
from The Art Of Tea And Friendship by Sandy Clough, pg 27

Today I do what I do every year the day before the start of the Sequim Lavender Festival...this time with the addition of the Sequim Lavender Growers Fair....I go visit the closest lavender this case Cedarbrook Lavender, which is just 1 mile away, to savor the sights & scents before tomorrow when the crowds arrive. 

Tomorrow we go to the street fair when it opens and browse the artisans & various lavender related products available. When Saturday comes, we will be having a special Lavender Festival Afternoon Tea at the George Washington Inn, one of the local bed & breakfasts which we are looking forward to. 

Then we'll visit several of the other farms, all of which have live entertainment and cooking and craft demonstrations. This weekend its ALL lavender! I just hope our local ice cream shop has the Swiss Dark Chocolate Lavender ice cream they had a year ago!


  1. Lovely and interesting post, as always! I learn so much when I read your Teacup Thursday posts.
    I maybe up your way in August. Planning a NW getaway.
    Love, Lady Linda

  2. My sister goes to that lavender festival! Your teacup is so pretty. I love blue and yellow together.

  3. these are real beauties,, you always explain everything so well,, i enjoy reading your posts

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed my visit! Teacups, T.S. Eliot parody, and the idea of such doings at your Lavender Festival this weekend! May you be blessed with a great festival and may happy inspirations!
    Miss Kathy


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)