
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Teacup Thursday, Golden Days By Roslyn, Seattle's 78 Minutes Of Summer

Hello and happy Teacup Thursday with Miss Spencer.  We just got back from a walk that we cut a bit short because it started to drizzle...but more of that later.

Despite the drizzle, I chose this summer teacup by Roslyn, England from 1958-1963 titled Golden Daze and featuring a lovely burgundy rose and fronds of goldenrod. The very picture of a lazy, hot summer for many of you all over the country. The bone china tea cup has gold trim and I love it. 

The design is done by applying a transfer (hence transferware) background design that is then hand colored by an artist. Transferware dates to the 1700s and is still being made today in one form or another. There are some popular designs that have been made for over 300 years! Cool!

For more info on the teacup at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

Speaking of cool...we in the Pacific Northwest have been enduring a La Nina year. The ocean currents and jet stream have shifted and the water is cooler off our shores and that means wet & cold for us. We clocked 248% of our normal rainfall this year and 168 of normal snow pack in the Olympic Mountains of Olympic National Park, just behind me. 

This was taken yesterday from the end of our block looking straight south into the Olympic Mountains & Olympic National Park about 10 miles away.  We have been patiently waiting for summer...and what we have feared was confirmed by a local weatherman Danny Westneat from channel KOMO, Seattle yesterday. Seattle has had exactly 78 minutes of summer so far. He checked the stats of a minute-by-minute weather recording station and found so far this year we have had 78 minutes of 75 degrees or better, with only 2 days clocking in with 80 degrees...12 minutes on July 2 and 66 minutes on July 6. 

To read the article at the Seattle Times Online Site, click here:
78 Minutes Of Summer

So...for you in hot places, I don't know if that will make you feel better or worse!  Tomorrow I will post my Sequim Lavender Festival photos and report on afternoone tea at the George Washington B&B. Have a great day visiting teacup blogs!


  1. Good morning are having the same summer weather was we are experiencing here in Oregon, sigh.
    I love the markings on your teacup...very interesting.
    Your photos are lovely.
    Lady Linda

  2. I am very sorry for you people in the North West, let me tell you. My daughter lives over there and they have had pretty much an inside summer so far. So sad for them, because they are real outdoors people. They went for a hike around a lake and it began to just pour, so she and her husband ran under cover but the little ones wanted to continue playing so they did. They are like ducks, kids who grow up in that area.
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. I'm sorry, I forgot to say that your Golden Days teacup and saucer are beautiful!


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