
Friday, July 29, 2011

Pink Saturday, Victorian Souvenir Jug, Pinks, Chocolate Orange Scones

It's time to enjoy an orgy of pink goodies for Pink Saturday with How Sweet The Sound.

Being in a lavender area, these are the only pinks in my garden since the rhododendrons and azaleas have quit. I have lots of lavender, but just these pink flowers which are indeed "Pinks" and are a type of carnations with a lovely, spicy scent. I love them with their velvety petals and gorgeous scent.

This is what I found that was pink this week. This is a Victorian souvenir jug from the 1980s. The jug or pitcher was made in Germany to be sold in the north Yorkshire, England seaside town of Scarborough. Remember the Simon & Garfunkel line from Parsely, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme.../Are You going to Scarborough fair....? Well, this was made to be taken back to someone as a present. Sorta like the current "My parents (grandparents, friends...) went to ....(Paris, London, Disneyland, whatever) And all I got was this lousy T shirt!"

I love the hand colored over transfer design with a luster finish. And the antique calligraphy is so cool!

For more info about the Victorian Scarborough souvenir jug at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

At the Lavender Festival last week I bought some scone mixes from a vendor at a street market. The scone mixes are from Papa Ray's Marketplace in Spokane, WA. Yesterday we tried our first of 5 4 get one free! The kind we tried was teh Orange Dark Chocolate Scone mix. The woman was German and said the scones would be slightly moister than traditional English scones so I was looking forward to trying them.

I had to cut in 2 tbs of butter & add a small amount of orange juice and sour cream. I had low fat on hand. The dough was sticky, so I added a bit of flour.  I formed it into a 9 inch round, scored it and baked it. The smell was wonderful! We removed them, cooled them for 15 minutes, cut them and had one with our afternoon cup of tea. Absolutely divine! They used really good quality dark chocolate chips. Scrumptious!

So...if you are looking to try something different, click on their name above and visit their website. I also got Chocolate Hazelnut and...don't remember what else. They had other mixes as well like pancake and waffle mixes, biscuits...lots of good looking stuff. Too bad we had just finished our afternoon tea at the lavender festival because they were giving out warm samples of everything!

Well, have a wonderful time visiting all the Pink Saturday participants. We are actually having summer here which is so exciting!


  1. Love your pitcher and the thanks for the info about it!

  2. Good morning Ruth,
    Yum, the scones sound delicious. Love the pitcher and the design of it. Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for your visit and lovely comment.


  3. What a wonderful treasure you found! Wish I could pop over for some scones. BTW, I do love Victoria, it's so beautiful!

    Hope you will please drop by and enter my $50 Gift Card Giveaway!! If there are 500 entries, the amount will increase the Gift Card to $100.

  4. The orange chocolate scone mix is a winner - need to get some for my pantry!

  5. What an enjoyable visit with you today. Loved all the things you shared.

  6. What great treasure you found this week!! The scones look so yummy! I have never tried a scone mix though I do have several recipes I use for scones. This would be a great gift idea though!

  7. The pitcher was a great find, I love it! Thanks for sharing! I hope you can join me for the Design Gives Back blog party the week of August 12th-18th for a story to warm your heart! HPS!-Sher

  8. What a gorgeous pitcher and your scones look amazing! Blessing to you.

  9. We love the post you made about our scones. Though we saw it too late, we do appreciate the sentiment! Would you mind if we put the images and post on our Facebook page with a link to your blog? If you don't mind, please message me at:
    [email protected]
    or on our website directly at:
    Thanks so much! Cindy (Papa's Daughter. The German woman was my mother. We are a small family business)


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)