
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Purple for Pink Saturday and our Neighborhood Terrorist, Pink Sapphire Ring

Well it's Pink Saturday with How Sweet The Sound but I didn't have much I came up with this week that was pink. That which I did find I'll share a bit down the post. What I really enjoyed this week was purple! The first of our bearded Iris came out...

Now, we are not big gardeners. I had an uncle who was a nurseryman and I grew up spending a lot of time with my cousins at the nursery, and loved working there as a teenager wrapping foil around the poinsettia plants. But the favorite thing was leaving coins on the railroad tracks beside the nursery so the commuter trains could flatten them. Really dumb, I guess. But back in the 1950s who knew???

Anyway, we have a pretty maintenance free garden and these Iris' are much appreciated for their spring color.

And speaking of spring, let me introduce you to our neighborhood terrorist. You can see much of him (or her) just their back end...but this little yellow bird who is about sparrow size has totally trashed several of our window screens. He (or she) and mate peck out the fibres of the screen for nesting material. You will see holes in the middle of the screen where they...literally...hang out & attack the screen, and now they have begun working on the lower edges with a vengeance. It's kind of hard to see because when we get close enough to get a good photo they fly off.

Our poor cat Tinker is going nuts. He parks on the windowsill and mumbles, and several times has thrown himself at the window trying to reach the little yellow birds. Poor thing!  I don't know what kind birds they are...the male is bright yellow with a bit of tan in the wings and the female is a tanner yellow. They are about sparrow size. So we will be replacing screens when nesting is over. Sigh....

So here is the only pink thing I could think of this week...a genuine pink sapphire 10kt gold ring we have at Antiques And Teacups. Not glorious or unique, but pretty fabulous anyway. For more info, click on the photos.

So have a great Pink Saturday enjoying the fab and creative ladies who take part. Sorry mine is...well...mostly purple & yellow!


  1. Amazing little bird. What a surprise that the screen would be suitable for nesting material. Love the ring.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Maybe if you left some string or yarn on the windowsill they would leave the screens ?

  3. What a bad little bird - of course, to him it's not bad!!!

    Love the ring - that is exquisite.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Thank you for following my blog! I do love that ring; who knew there were such things as pink sapphires?



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