
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Princess Beatrice's Hat - 80,000 pounds on ebay, Imari Biscuit Jar, Camden Antique Markets

From the Metro News online in the UK...Princess Beatrice's famous pretzel hat that she wore to William and Kate's Royal Wedding by Philip Tracy ends tonight and is currently at 80,000.01 pounds...or roughly $155,000 and finishes later today with proceeds going to UNICEF.
To read the entire article:
Princess Beatrice's Hat 

Sort of on a British theme, I just listed a fab English Victorian Imari or Gaudy English biscuit Jar or cookie barrel that I just love made by Wood & Sons.  Imari is the name of the design style named for an area of Japan that devised the distinctive color combinations that was also echoed in styles called Gaudy English and Gaudy Welsh. No shrinking violets here! For more info on the Antique Imari Biscuit Jar at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

Found it at an antiques market in Camden Town at the weekly Lock market in the Horse Hospital. The building apparently used to be a horse hospital.  Camden has always been a favorite shopping venue for us and we love Camden Passage as well with it's quirky little stalls and stores. On Saturday, folks without shops set up along the walks and canal fences with their wares laid out on blankets or folding tables.

This is a picture of the Camden Town Crier outside the entrance to the Camden Lock market. My honey is at the rear facing forward in his cap waiting for me while I took the photo.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea to use the notoriety of that hat to raise money for a good cause.


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