
Friday, April 8, 2011

Wills & Kate Wed! Look alikes in publicity stunt for book. Fab Photos

The Telegraph Online reported that the Royal Wedding of William and Kate took place least maybe...with look alikes. You can read the story & see the photos, including the Queen and corgis here on their website. Too fun!!!

Royal wedding: Prince William and Kate Middleton's dress 


The photos are terrif...I especially liked the fact that they went to KFC for the reception, queen, corgis & all...

But of course the whole event was staged to promote spoof celebrity photographer Alison Jackson's new book Kate & Wills Up The Aisle: A Right Royal Fairy Tale.

I don't know anything about the book, but the publicity stunt was a winner. I especially like the photo of the Queen with her packet of chips (french fries to yanks!).


  1. Don't you just love Kate ... gorgeoous addition to the family.

    Happy April PS ~
    TTFN ~

    FUN GIVEAWAY ends 4/10

  2. Miss Princess Diana would be sooo proud of her son!

    I must say (albeit a bit fickle here...) I hate it that Prince William is losing his hair and looking more like her ratty fawther as he grows older. Bah!

    Love to you~


  3. Hello, Happy Pink Saturday! Love your pink post this week. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment.
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage


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