
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's Blog - Paragon Princess Margaret teacup

Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's blog is always something to look forward to. I decided to share a teacup trio or cup and saucer with matching plate that was made by Paragon, England to celebrate the birth of Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II in 1930 whose parents were King George VI and Queen Mary who became known in later life as the Queen Mum. 

Paragon used parrots and a butter yellow color with hand applied enamel paint accents with a neat lobed, shaped cup and gold trim. The pattern was used also on oval saucers instead of round, with and without gold trim and with the hand painted colors differing by artist. I just love the parrots and the color makes me's so cheerful!

To read read more about the Princess Margaret teacup trio which is available at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

Have fun visiting the other participants at Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's blog. I love the chance to meet new friends and have a cup of tea!


  1. They are lovely. I especially like them because my eldest daughter is Margaret Rose!

  2. What a beautiful tea cup -- I love the parrots!

  3. Ruth, it's lovely. I am so fascinated by the royalty. Thanks for sharing. I love the picture of the carriage on your blog. Should be a fun event, heh? You live in such a beautiful part of Sequim. I love to go to Port Townsend and I have some dear friends up your way. Maybe we can meet someday and have a cuppa!

  4. I love this Princess Margaret tea set!! I have ooohed and aaahed over pictures of it for years, but the ones I see for sale always cost more than I can afford. So I will just enjoy looking at yours.

  5. Ruth,Thank you for visiting me yesterday and helping me work things out in my spirit.Your words were very helpful and touched by God Himself.If you visit my blog today you'll find I'm feeling much better.

  6. just beautiful Ruth!
    and meaningful ")
    thank you again for sharing your treats with us! ...

  7. Hi Ruth, The paragon teacup to commemorate the birth of Princess Margaret is just beautiful! i love the parrots on it and the lovely pink rose on the inside of the rim, gorgeous! thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend! x Susan

  8. Oh my goodness Ruth, this is incredibly pretty - the details are so intricate and what gorgeous images of the parrots! Also so fitting that it is a commemorative piece with the Royal Wedding so soon at hand :-)

    Visiting our tea party friends a day late!

    Jem xXx

  9. How pretty! How interesting!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)