
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Tea, Haviland Limoges Teacup

This is actually not my Pink Saturday's the next post down. I just had a chance to do this, but it's not my Pink Saturday Post!

Last weekend we attended events at Port Townsend, Washington during their Port Townsend Heritage Days. The town, about 30 miles from us on a peninsula with harbor on the Strait of Juan De Fuca and the Hood Canal and Puget Sound that calls itself the Victorian Seaport Village. The town has more than it's share of Victorian buildings, many that are B&Bs.

We attended a Victorian Afternoon Tea, as it was billed at one of the B&Bs. You were assigned to one of several that participated in the tea event when you purchased your ticket. We were assigned to The Old Consulate Inn and had 12 at the dining room table and had a 4 course meal with tea.

Some of the ladies came in costume from different eras. We had sisters in 1850s bustle outfits, a woman in an 1890s outfit and 2 ladies in 1910 dress. I had a long dress with a lace collar/jabot and antique painted brooch...not exactly period, but...

So here are some of the photos from the tea.

The menu did not scan really big enough to read, so the jist is

Baked Apple with Brandied Raisins and Pecans
Seafood Salad in Puff Pastry
Cream Cheese & Olive on White Bread
Cucumber, Sprouts & Dill Spread On Wheat

Plain Sugar Crusted Scones with
Homemade Strawberry Jam & Double Cream 

Toffee Crackers
Lemon Glazed Cupcakes
Shortbread Cookies with White Chocolate

Heritage Red Tea

We had a wonderful time and left stuffed!!!!  My DH didn't mind that he was the only male with 11 ladies...and he is certainly capable of holding his own. And as soon as he opens his mouth and the British accent is evident...well!

The place settings were a lovely antique floral pattern from Haviland, Limoges France. I don't have the exact pattern at Antiques And Teacups, but do have a Haviland, Limoges with the same shape as the set we used at the tea:

Haviland made so many lovely designs. I have difficulty keeping them in stock! To see more of this Haviland antique teacup, click on the photo.

Have a wonderful day! Visit the Pink Saturday folks, have a cup of tea with a friend and enjoy spring. We are sunny but windy here in Sequim on the Olympic Peninsula, but the trees are budding so everyone is smiling!

There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.  ~Bernard-Paul Heroux


  1. GorGeous Ruth!
    what FuN! have never attended anything like that event - such a treat ")
    thanks so much for sharing it with us!
    blessings of joy on your weekend worship...

  2. Happy Pink Saturday Miss Ruth! Well now girly...aren't you inspiring to us all today!!!! What a JOY to visit you!

    Love, Rebecca

  3. Hello Ruth, oh my, you all look like you are having so much fun. I think that sometimes it's just so fun to dress up and be someone else for while. Happy Pink Saturday to you. I can't believe that I am not a follower of yours. I am off to fix that right now, Char

  4. Looks so fun dressing up in those eras! I always wanted to dress up like that (with others also dressing up of course hehe) and the meals sound delicious!! I love the haviland teacups, gorgeous design! wow one man surrounded by 11 ladies? how lucky hehehe Have a wonderful weekend, Ruth! x Susan

  5. Happy Pink Saturday, Ruth! What fun to get dressed up and go for tea! I love the Haviland teacup; so pretty! Your tea looked wonderful! I love how they arranged all the teapots down the center of the table! Would love to try the baked apple! Your dear daughter in law will be in my prayers! Thank you for your visit and have a beautiful weekend.


  6. Enjoyed reading about your tea. Menu sounds tasty and surroundings looked beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Lovely! I love Haviland and have my grandfathers set of violets and daisy's.

  8. Your tea looks like so much fun! Love how the ladies are dressed up!

  9. Hello,
    We liked visiting your Blog. Lately we have wanted to take time out to enjoy a cup of tea every day, and we enjoyed seeing your assortment of teacups. Me and my daughters just started a new Blog, and it will have pictures of the different events that we attend, and pictures of the different countries that they have traveled to. We would love it if you could stop by and visit us. Our link is:
    Have a nice day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)