
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's Tea Time Blog

My teacup choice for Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's Teatime is a bit different. This is not the usual pretty, girly girl ladylike's a retro mid century modern design of hand painted blotches like graniteware enamelware by the American maker Stangl. The pattern is called Town and Country and came in other colors as well. I really do like it...although it is certainly different from my usual style of teacups at Antiques And Teacups. But I guess that's why it's fun.

Stangl began in the early 1800s as Hill Pottery in New Jersey, was taken over by Fulper in the 1860s and went through several phases and lines until Stangl became a main product in the 1920s. Their hand painted dinnerware items like this pattern were very popular in the 1940s. The pottery closed in 1978. America has a great heritage of potteries and designs we can be proud of.

To see more of the Stangl Town & Country teacup at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

We wanted to pass on the news that the first official visit Prince William and his bride Kate Middleton will pay after their wedding in April will be to Canada in June. They hope to be in Ottawa for Canada Day July. 1st. Queen Elizabeth II was there for that last year, so it's a great coup for Canada to have their visit on the schedule. Now if we can get them all the way over to Vancouver or Victoria....

Official Statement about visit of Will & Kate from Canadian Govt.

Also, here is a link to the Daily Telegraph for a map of the route of the route Kate Middleton will take to Westminster Abbey:
Wedding Route for Kate

I also want to share a link to Vintage And Cake's blog about an afternoon tea wedding they did last year in England. The photos are lovely and it's a great idea! 
This photo is from their post.

Have a great day...I am trying not to overdo the chocolate after Valentine's Day and our anniversary. I LOVE it, but I'm allergic to it as well so have to try to be careful how much I can tolerate before I have to race to the inhaler! 


  1. Hi Ruth, What a lovely Blog you have. I am your newest follower.

    I adore your teacup. I have never seen anything like it. Thank you for telling us the background on the maker.


  2. Hi Ruth!

    Lovely to share Teacup Thursday with you again :-) Unique choice this week, I really like it!

    Jem xXx


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)