
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teacup Thursday Adderley Violets, Why Guards are inside gates at Buckingham Palace

Welcome to Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's Teatime Blog.  I love these opportunities to share some of the lovely teacups that from my personal teacup collection and from my business Antiques And Teacups. Teacups have been a lifelong love of mine.

This is a beautiful and unusual English bone china teacup from Adderley, England. I like it because not only is the shape lovely and elegant but I really liked the yellow tinting of the cup and saucer contrasting with the purple of the violets. Usually, violet designs are on white alone but this adds a different dimension of color interest. Violets are such a symbol of spring...mine are just beginning to peek out below the fir trees they hide under. Or maybe not anymore, we had 4 inches of snow sea level...and are supposed to have several more tonight. And we moved out of the mountains thinking we'd never have to deal with snow again!  Sigh...but it's beautiful

Adderley's began in 1906 in Longton and was manufactured until the 1970s. This particular cup and saucer was made in the 1950s at the peak of their production. To see more about the Adderley Violets Teacup at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photo.

I have another blog for my other main website Time Was Antiques, that focuses on English antiques, collectibles and British Royal Commemoratives. I did a posting on it today that you might be interested in.  It features:
a Kate & William song just released on BBC
info about when my husband was a Coldstream Guard guarding the Queen at Buckingham Palace
and why the guards are now inside the gate instead of outside
some Charles & Diana Royal Wedding china we just located in our warehouse

You can view that blog at: Time Was Antiques Family Blog

Have a wonderful day visitng other marvelous teacups and blogs, and don't forget to have a cup of tea with a friend. Hope we aren't snowed in tomorrow....or maybe it would be a good excuse to spend a bit more time over tea tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I'll make some scones and try that new Creme de la Earl Grey my teacup swap partner Susan gave me....


  1. The combination of yellow and violets is very pretty!

  2. Happy Teacup Thursday! :-) Now, I've been looking for a teacup with violets for quite some time and yours is beautiful, you've inspired me to recommence the search!

    Jem at Beautiful Clutter xXx

  3. ....and just look at Franklan's work now-Wow.

  4. Hello! Lovely teacups! Love the colors! I am looking forward to the wedding - I remember getting up early to watch Charles' and Diana's wedding - such a lovely day!
    Hope you have a great weekend!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)