
Friday, February 4, 2011

Antique Staffordshire Teacup Trio with hearts, red tea caddy, Teacup wreath

Good morning! It's raining hard this morning...but it is Washington state! I wanted to share this teacup trio made in the Staffordshire are of England in the  late Victorian era. It is perfect for this season because the design includes gold hearts and enamel flowers on a peach color band. I love antique Staffordshire china. This set is unmarked, which is quite normal for the time before 1891 when a mark was required.

Hearts and flowers...what is more romantic than that! Teacup trios are more popular in England and Australia, where the US market prefers just the teacup and saucer...don't know why, but....
For more info about the teacup trio at Antiques and Teacups, click the photo.

And because we have to have SOME red is a vintage red chinoiserie or oriental style English tea tin that I love. Perfect for your Yunan! That'll add a bit of color to your teascape of kitchen counter! To see more photos, click on the photo.

Recently someone wrote that they had broken a teacup and wondered what to do with the remaining pieces. For years, on the door of our antiques and tea items brick and mortar shop, I hung a teacup wreath I had created from the inevitable spares that result from a china business. we lived in snow country...I had a picture fall from the wall and broke 8 pieces of china on display on a cabinet below (and setting off the burglar alarm in the process at 2am...hello...this is the police...your burglar alarm just went off can you meet us here ASAP!). The problem was caused by the snowplow repeatedly rumbling past dealing with the 4 feet of snow that was falling. Ah...those were the days. One of my husband's happiest days was selling the snow blower when we moved out of the mountains to sea level.

This is the old wreath. I am in the process of redoing it and have been collecting some new spares to go with the color of our home. It's bound for the front door when I get it finished.  Bet you might have enough around to do your own! There is always the idea of using them on the Christmas tree or any sort of pleasing display...even as bird feeders in the garden. Any other ideas???

Have a great day. I am still fighting with a sinus prob so am low key today after our Seattle trip. So there will be plenty of time today for a cuppa and a good read.


  1. i'm a teacup wreath creator as well as teacup Christmas trees. i included silver teaspoons on the branches ")
    and do fabulous full-branched evergreen garlands with them for Christmas ~
    luv them running along the mantel and up the antique curved stairwell...
    once did use these ideas for a local teahouse whose owner was thrilled! customers too ")
    so picking up xtras at rummage & charity shops always pays off in decorating FuN!!

    hoping you're well soon & will watch for your new wreath ")

  2. I would love to see the a photo? Guess it's out of season, but...Thought it was so fun you knew Stone! :)


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)