
Monday, December 27, 2010

I forgot! Goose Or Swan porcelain napking rings, Goose or Turkey and Camden Town

You know, I am really kicking myself because I forgot I had these last week. My blog friend Lady Estelle was doing a lovely series on the Twelve Days Of Christmas on her A Modern Day Victorian Lady and I meant to post a photo and forgot! These little guys are porcelain, hand painted and so cute. Sigh...better late than never, I guess. They can be seen at Antiques And Teacups.

On a sadder note about swans, the weather in England has been so unusually cold that the swans and geese are freezing into the ice and are unable to feed and are having to be chipped out an rescued. Many have starved to death. A sad fall out of unusual weather you don't think about.

During the Victorian era in England, a goose was much more affordable than a turkey, hence the Crachit's meagre Christmas dinner where Bob Crachit quips, making the best of it as he was wont to do, Now the only decision is whether to put the stuffing in the goose or the goose in the stuffing! And who can forget the prize turkey as big as the boy that the transformed Scrooge sends to the Crachit home in Camden Town. We've probably been right past their house...a favorite place for antiquing at the Camden Market, Camden Passage and the Horse Hospital. No, really! That's what it used to be.

Off for a cup of tea. Just what's needed on this damp afternoon. Cheers!


  1. Hi: What lovely you have posted. I want to invite you to join our Tea Cup Tuesday. I know the ladies would love to see your beautiful tea things. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  2. Thank you for stopping by for tea! and the history of the shell angels. I have had them so long I had forgotten how old the are.
    I love the swan napkin rings. I love swans and have one I use to hold teaspoons in, see posts this fall.
    Love your blog....all the things I love. I have been to the Empress, in Victoria, BC. (My son lives on the island.)But I didn't know about this event. Is it an annual event?
    I look forward to having tea with you again in the near future.
    Wishing you a blessed New Year!

  3. Hi Martha. Thanks for your kind words! I'd love to join to Tea Cup Tuesday. Do you have a logo?

  4. Hi Paperbutterfly...the Victoria Tea Festival is an annual year it is on Feb. 11th & 12th. Their website is for more info.
    Happy New Year!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)