
Friday, March 26, 2010

Shelley Cup And Saucer Bubble Floral Chintz Bud Chintz
I LOVE Shelley China, England and was thrilled when I found this cup and saucer at an estate sale recently. This is a rarely seen Shelly chintz pattern called Bubble Floral Chintz or Bud Chintz that was only made from 1964-1966. The teacup is also in one of my favorite Shelley shapes called Ripon. Gorgeous. I love it when I find a special teacup for the shop.
You can see more info on the set and other great Shelley China items at Antiques And Teacups.

We recently got back from one of our semi annual buying trips with lots of goodies to list at Antiques And Teacups. We hand carried some on the plane and more will be arriving soon. We got lots of teacups, including Shelley, linens (most of what we had are all sold), vintage costume jewelry, tea caddy spoons and other tea items, antique postcards, trade cards, a vintage foreign doll collection, small silver items and lots more! It's like Christmas when the packages come. Too fun!!!

Here's a reminder that Easter, Passover and spring is just around the corner. Get out and enjoy the blooming flowers and soft spring air.

Have a great weekend and don't forget to buy what you love.And as they always say with an antique, if you see it, love it and have the wherewithall to buy'd better do it now or it probably won't be there when you come back!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I was just browsing around on tea related sites and came across your new blog. It appears that I'm your first follower! I love Shelley teacups myself as well as Paragon and Ansley. They suit my little teacup artdolls so beautifully! I look forward to visiting your Antiques and Teacups store too. Nice to "meet" you... Rose


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)